Re: what is dt?

Shelley Powers On 09-09-18 17.45:

> Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> Lars Gunther On 09-09-18 16.21:
>>> 2009-09-18 02:51, Leif Halvard Silli skrev:
>>>> Another "fun" effect: What if the <h1> would be the very last element?
>>>> (<figure> allow the caption as last element.)
>>> Which means that all of a sudden dd can come before dt? That would be 
>>> counter intuitive.
>> Yes, that is part of the current solution to figure in the draft. (And 
>> I admit responsibility for having suggested it [1].)
>> [1]
> Well, I've re-opened the bug, so to speak. Actually, two bugs: one for 
> the redefinition and reuse of dt/dd generally; one specific to Figure.

Good! ;-)

> This, again, will just cause confusion to web page authors. [...]

> We can't say dt/dd are term/value pairs any longer, because usage isn't 
> always based on an equal number of both.
> We can't count on dt being present, or even first.
> We can't count on dd being present, or even last.
> The syntactic rules (content model) are becoming increasingly arcane. 
> There's definitely little or no semantic similarities to the three 
> different usages any longer.

In that e-mail message I pointed to above, I said something about 
IE6 compatibility as justification. However, that was wrong:

(The point with that demonstration is that if you remove the dt(dd 
element that currently is the last element, then there is no 
problem anymore.)

In that test I only looked at <figure>, but <details> has the same 

Provided we count in JavaScript -  then minting a new element name 
should be more compatible.

How would this taste? Should be easy to learn, I think:

         <fcaption>figure Caption</fcaption>
         <fbody>figure body</fbody>

         <dcaption>figure Caption</dcaption>
         <dbody>figure body</dbody>
leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 18:19:05 UTC