RE: HTML WG Testing Task Force

> the next step is to solicit feedback from the group on public-html about the idea of a testing task force, the general parameters of the test suite and to call for volunteers to participate in such a task force. 

So far we have seen only support and interest for a Testing task force.

Here is suggested outline for such a Testing task force:

HTML WG Testing Task Force:
 1. Any HTML WG member can join the HTML WG Testing TF (opt in model).
 2. Any member of the HTML WG Testing TF MUST be a member of the HTML WG.
    Note: We may want to figure out how to permit TF members to avoid receiving WG email. 
 3. The Testing TF will use a separate email list for TF discussions (email address archived 
    at ).
 4. The Testing TF would have a separate weekly meeting slot (day and time TBD).
 5. The Testing TF would not make final decisions about its scope, work plan or work products.  These decisions will be made by HTML WG.
    Note: The HTML WG might decide at some future point in time to delegate more responsibility to the Testing TF.
 6. Facilitator(s) of the Testing TF will be selected by the HTML WG chairs.
 7. The Testing TF facilitator will report back to the HTML WG on the work of the TF on a regular basis.
 8. The first task of the Testing TF will be to draft its scope and initial work plan.



Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2009 14:23:32 UTC