Re: Change back the semantics of <cite>

Hello Oliver

Olivier GENDRIN wrote:
> .. there is a
> problematic use case, pointed by Karl : <cite>Huckleberry Finn</cite>,
> <cite>Mark Twain</cite>. We can't distinguish the author's name from
> the title's book (of in this case, it's quite obvious).
A new element may solve the above problem quite nicely ...

I read <cite>Huckleberry Finn</cite> by <author>Mark Twain</author>

as people DO mark up authors names already with <cite>...</cite>  its 
really quite common, an <author> tag seems like a natural progression to me.

just my 2c

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy

Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 14:10:26 UTC