Re: Bug 8404 -- taking it to the lists

It just crossed my mind that there actually is another way to add a
caption to a non-movable object: a subsection.

So this is the bad situation:

<p>See the following photo:</p>
<dd><img src="photo.jpg" title="Photo" /></dd>
<dt>A photo of my dog in the garden.</dt>

This is solution #1:

<p>See the following photo:</p>
<h1>A photo of my dog in the garden.</h1>
<p><img src="photo.jpg" title="Photo" /></p>

This is solution #2:

<p>See the following photo of my dog in the garden:</p>
<p><img src="photo.jpg" title="Photo" /></p>

This is solution #3:

<p>See the attached photo.</p>
<dd><img src="photo.jpg" title="Photo" /></dd>
<dt>A photo of my dog in the garden.</dt>

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 22:11:19 UTC