Re: MathML in HTML: syntax for hypertext links

> Should the whole table change color when you hover over it?  If so,
> will there be a good way to discover the inner hrefs

I agree that nested links are not really possible with the usual html
interface, but that's a problem anyway even without allowing href on
all elements. If you allow (say) table in <a href or if you accept
invalid html input that has nested <a> despite what it says in the spec
then the problem re-occurs. Usually you'd expect in these cases some
side condition in the grammar that says not to nest links ie (depending
on the syntax chosen)  don't use an element-with-href inside an
element-with-href or don't use an <a> inside an a (at any depth of element

In the MathML case, if <maction> is used (like <a href>) as an explict
linking element, then as it takes any MathML element as child content,
the problem of nested links will be present whether an "href everywhere"
model is used or if an "href on maction" model is used.

In either case, the spec could say in words that nested links are
invalid (or likely not to work, or something) but I don't think either
syntax variant really makes any difference to that aspect does it?


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