Re: UA norm for redirects (both META and http)

HI Boris,

[replying on-list]

On May 29, 2008, at 5:07 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> Robert J Burns wrote:
>> • meta redirects (definitely)
> Meta redirects are handled differently depending on the timeout, fwiw.

That's good to know. I wouldn't want to necessarily recommend any  
change to that. The main motivation in this is trying to handle  
redirects with a 0 timeout better and to obviate the need for authors  
to even provide timeouts (while still meeting the needs of users  
including disabled users).

Take care,

[prior thread]:

Robert J Burns wrote:
> Here is another issue that needs to be introduced here for  
> discussion, as it will be added to the issue-tracker in time. This  
> issue has been discussed within the WG previously surrounding  
> accessibility concerns when UAs follow redirects without updating  
> users and the user’s data.

Note that that's precisely what one wants to do with some redirects  
(e.g. HTTP 307 responses).

Also not that UA behavior may differ (with good reason!) depending on  
the timeout before the redirect and on where the redirect is to in  
relation to the original page.  Mozilla's certainly does.

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2008 17:36:08 UTC