Re: Speed of specs (was: RE: Extensibility strategies)

Le 6 août 2008 à 14:32, Justin James a écrit :
> So yeah, I'd like it if we could have
> some sort of "HTML add-on" items that we could release in a  
> finalized form
> on a regular basis, and get stuff like Web workers, <audio>,  
> <video>, etc.
> in it so people can be working with a finalized spec that we promise  
> we've
> really audited and plan on not changing before the full HTML 5 spec  
> gets
> finalized, instead of them basically guessing what hopefully won't  
> change
> and implementing and authoring against that.
> I also recognize that this is 99.99% not going to happen for a great  
> number
> of reasons, our charter and expected deliverables, for one thing. :)

Not necessary completely silly. I'm not talking for the chairs nor W3C  
here. Consider it a personal opinion.

But you can perfectly imagine that the HTML WG publishes a  
specification (which is consistent and tested) with the things already  
really implemented in let say "Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera,  
Safari". The rest could be put either in an appendix or a W3C WG Note  
reserving them for future works and publications.

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 05:51:36 UTC