Re: Deciding in public (Was: SVGWG SVG-in-HTML proposal)

Hi Sam,

> My opinion is that there one change that would make this process stronger
> is if there were a clear escallation path for cases such as these.

There are a number avenues:

Tracker is a HTML Working Group issue, action and resolution tracking
tool. More information:
The Chairs recently refined the Tracker definitions:

Buzilla, "is used to keep track of proposals and bugs. "Anyone from
the wider public can raise issues in the bugzilla -- not just members
of the HTML WG nor people who have set up W3C accounts, with the
guarantee that both the (co-chair) and the HTML5 editor will see them,
and that the editor will add them to his queue of issues to respond

WAI-XTECH is the Protocols and Formats Working Group's wai-xtech
mailing list  for ensuring accessibility considerations are taken into
account in all specifications produced by the W3C. The process for
involving PF in accessibility issues in HTML5 is outlined in Judy
Brewer's May 24, 2007 email. It is also detailed at the Paciello Group

HTML WG a number of Lists for for HTML Working Group business,
proposals and issues.

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Friday, 1 August 2008 00:27:41 UTC