Re[2]: brainstorm: attributes as virtual tags

Good day, Dão.

DG> Apparently Dmitry messed up his own example. Originally, he wanted to
DG> use different colors for different attributes.


Illustration of idea in previous example is:
  §a1 {color: red   }
  §a2 {color: green }
  §a3 {color: brown }
  <a a1="x" a2="y" a3="z">

Illustration of idea in last example is:
  §name    {color: red  }
  §surname {color: gray }
  <record1 name= surname= >
  <record2 name= surname= >

>> Anyway, Isn't this best left up to the CSS WG?

Primarily i think about virtual tags
in context of 'display', 'appearance'.
I will do as you say.

Dmitry Turin

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 13:13:14 UTC