Re: Style sheet that hides UA-specific requirements

At 23:53 +0200 UTC, on 2007-05-01, Simon Pieters wrote:


> For what it's worth... I've been working on a style sheet for the HTML5
> spec that selects everything that does not apply to authors. [...]

Thanks. Good idea!

While Maciej may well be right that it would be difficult to truly separate
UA and author requirements, such a separation seems a necessity to me if we
hope authors will actually try to read the spec. If this split can indeed be
achieved reliably through CSS that would be great!

It could be done much easier and more reliably though if the HTML would
indicate UA-specificness with something like class="ua-only" ;) Of course I
don't know how the WHATWG spec is currently generated so I can't judge how
much work that would be.

If this approach works, then this Style Sheet should probably be served with
the spec, as an alternate Style Sheet. And  given that there is a multipage
version, there would then need to be a mechanism to allow the choice for an
alternate Style Sheet to be persistent.

Sander Tekelenburg
The Web Repair Initiative: <>

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 05:45:38 UTC