Re: Support Existing Content

At 11:31 AM 5/1/2007 -0400, David Dailey wrote:
>At 10:14 AM 5/1/2007, Murray Maloney wrote:
>>Sorry. This doesn't help me at all. It still speaks to user agents.
>>         HTML 5 will be a superset of all previous incarnations of HTML,
>>         whether as W3C specification, user agent instantiations, or
>>         instances of HTML documents on the web and on intranets.
>>         (As a result, user agents which can accommodate HTML 5 should
>>         be able to accommodate earlier versions of HTML.)
>>Does that say what needs to be said?
>Hi Murray. It is back to a place now that I can understand it again. So 
>that's good. (I also understand now that merely changing wording from 
>browser to UA was not enough.) But now I think it may have two problems 
>(#1 is more serious but, alas, rather longwinded. #2 may just reflect my 
>poor understanding of what it means to be a superset).

Your problem #1 seems to be a scripting problem, not an HTML problem.

Your problem #2 seems to be the result of me using the term "set" when that is
clearly not what I really meant to say. It would be unreasonable to think that
HTML 5 should include such items as <BLINK> or <MARQUEE>, so I didn't
really mean that HTML 5 should be a proper susperset. But superset captures
the intent better than anything else that I have seen. So? How do we narrow 
it down?

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:35:10 UTC