Form Serialization

FORMs are sometimes used for XMLHttpRequest. Most "AJAX" libraries
(DOJO, YUI, prototype, et c) already provide functionality for
serializing a FORM (even if indirectly, by associating a FORM with an
XMLHttpRequest ).

The process is to through the form and concatenate strings based on
form's successful controls.

This Serializing of a FORM by hand should not be necessary. Browsers
that support FORM submission serialize a form to a data set
automatically upon submission.


interface HTMLFormElement {
  String getDataSetString
  String toJSONString

toJSONString would return an object literal that contains the FORM
element's successful controls, using names as key and an LIST for each
key's value.

getDataSetString() would return a serialized data set representation
of the FORM's successful controls. It would look just like what you
see in a GET query string or a POST body.

For Binary Data, you can encode as JS escapes.

These methods should also apply to HTMLFieldsetElement.

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2007 22:29:13 UTC