from October to December 2014 by subject

HTML WG telecon 2014-11-20

HTML WG telecon 2014-12-04

HTML WG telecon 2014-12-11

HTML WG weekly meeting on Thu Oct 2 is cancelled

Minutes: HTML WG telecon, 4th December 2014

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-10-09: DOM4 CfC, TF reports, doc status, F2F plans

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-10-16: DOM4 CfC, doc status, F2F plans

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-11-13: Action items, WG Decisions, TF reports, and AOB

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-12-18: Action items, Testing TF, TF reports, and Spring F2F

{minutes} HTML WG F2F, TPAC, Santa Clara, CA 2014-10-30 and 2014-10-31

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-10-09: DOM4 CfC, TF Reports, doc status, F2F plans

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-11-13: Longdesc PR, action items

{Minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-12-11

Last message date: Wednesday, 17 December 2014 15:57:37 UTC