RE: {minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-03-13 - Last Calls, CR Progress, Task Force Reports

HTML Weekly Teleconference
 13 March 2014
 Minutes ->
 IRC          ->

[16:01] <trackbot> Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
[16:01] <trackbot> Date: 13 March 2014
[16:02] <krisk> Chair: rubys
[16:03] <krisk> scribe: krisk 
[16:03] <krisk> agenda:

[16:03] <krisk> TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, March 13
[16:03] <krisk> none

[16:04] <krisk> TOPIC: Last Calls
[16:04] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Polyglot Markup
[16:04] <krisk> This is progressing with one bug
[16:04] <krisk> see
[16:04] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: W3C DOM4
[16:04] <krisk> 6 bugs
[16:05] <krisk> plh: where were these bugs from pf?
[16:05] <krisk> rubys: No bugs from pf and they sent and email saying they don't expect and bugs for DOM4
[16:05] <krisk> plh: Looks like only one technical bug, others are editorials
[16:05] <rubys>
[16:06] <krisk> plh: next step is for robin to update bugs?
[16:06] <krisk> rubys: correct and then we can move to CR

[16:06] <krisk> TOPIC: CR Progress
[16:06] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Move Canvas2D back to last call
[16:06] <krisk> see
[16:07] <rubys>
[16:07] <krisk> rubys: oops that is the wrong link, hold on I'll find the right link
[16:08] <krisk> krisk: rubys: that is actually the right link
[16:08] <krisk> rubys: good progress is still being made
[16:08] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: HTML5.0
[16:08] <krisk> Still have 8 bugs not progressing
[16:08] <krisk> see
[16:08] <krisk> Goal is to close these bugs by Saturday
[16:10] <krisk> krisk: I have a few people look for test that fail in all browser - specifically broken tests
[16:10] <krisk> krisk: Happy to share these results
[16:10] <krisk> plh: The test report page has also been updated

[16:10] <krisk> TOPIC: Task Force Reports
[16:11] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Testing Task Force
[16:11] <krisk> krisk: As mentioned above I have some people looking at testsin github, looking for tests that fail in multiple browsers
[16:11] <krisk> krisk: We also started to look that the MSE github tests from google
[16:12] <krisk> krisk: I also will send an email/ask about getting some DOM4 tests for newer parts of the spec
[16:13] <plh>
[16:13] <krisk> plh: Last week mike smith deployed the new testing server (see above)
[16:13] <krisk> krisk: neat!
[16:14] <krisk> plh: So now basically no apache, just the python server
[16:14] <krisk> plh: So if you go to the link you can run all the tests, just a start but it up and running for some of the DOM tests
[16:15] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force
[16:16] <krisk> janina: Small turn out and we are not meeting next week
[16:16] <krisk> janina: Canvas is progressing and long desc is moving slow
[16:16] <krisk> janina: F2F should help longdesc
[16:17] <krisk> janina: We are talking about F2F topics - possible issue or extension specs
[16:17] <krisk> janina: We need an update from steven about 'alt' and getting this back into the 5.0 spec
[16:17] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Media Task Force
[16:18] <krisk> rubys: paulc is oof in china, let's get an update next week

[16:18] <krisk> TOPIC: Other Business
[16:18] <krisk> plh: I wanted to talk about normative references in the 5.0 spec
[16:19] <krisk> plh: I am hoping to provide some good information about having the normative references are stable
[16:20] <rubys>
[16:22] <krisk> plh: I wanted to ask about use cases in 5.1 that don't exist in 5.0
[16:22] <krisk> janina: We are revisiting this as mentioned above
[16:22] <krisk> janina: For example date and time pickers on the web are very problematic
[16:23] <krisk> janina: This could be a good F2F discussion, I won't be at the F2F but a conf call would work
[16:23] <krisk> janina: One item to get done is the accessibility mapping for 5.0
[16:23] <krisk> janina: Having this ready in the 5.0 timeframe and aria 1.1
[16:24] <krisk> janina: This document may have normative parts and not just a 'note'
[16:24] <krisk> rubys: any other items to discuss?
[16:24] <krisk> plh: will scribe
From: Sam Ruby <>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 10:42 AM
To: announce
Subject: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-03-13 - Last Calls, CR Progress, Task  Force Reports

Reposting with correct date.

- Sam Ruby

On 03/13/2014 11:07 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
> 2014-03-13 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.
> Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 17:00, London/Dublin 16:00,
> New Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.
> Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby
> Scribe: Kris Krueger
> (See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)
> == Agenda ==
> 1. ACTION items due by Thursday, March 13
>     None
> 2. Last Calls
> a) Polyglot Markup
> b) W3C DOM4
> 3. CR Progress
> a) Moving Canvas2D back to Last Call
> b) HTML5.0
>     Note: goal is to close these bugs by Saturday.
> 4. Task Force Reports
> a) Testing Task Force
> b) Accessibility Task Force
> c) Media Task Force
> 5. Other Business
> 11. Scribe for next meeting
> 12. Adjournment
> == Dial-in and IRC Details ==
> Zakim teleconference bridge:
>    +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)
> Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
>    #html-wg on port 6665 or port 80

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2014 17:46:07 UTC