Announcing "Planet HTML5"

A while back, I set up a "Planet HTML5" feed aggregator and it
seems to have been working as expected since, so I wanted to go
ahead and announce to the group that is can be found here: (feed)

The purpose of it is to provide a place/feed that you (members of
the W3C HTML Working Group) and the public can turn to for a quick
overview on whatever the latest and greatest news about HTML5 is
-- if you're not caught up on yet on the backlog of public-html
mail in your inbox, and if you don't want to wade through a
possible mass of junk blog postings from the hinterlands that you
get from particular blog-search tools you might use to search for
up-to-date info about what's been happening with HTML5.

Planet HTML5 aggregates a select few blogs/feeds. Selected by me.
Either blogs from members of the group or others outside the group
who are known to post regularly about HTML5.

If you have a blog and you post semi-regularly about HTML5, send
me mail with the URL for your blog, and I will take a look and add
it if it seems like it should be included.

And if you're a member of the group and you're not blogging
regularly about HTML5, well, if you start now and keep it at for a
while and let me know, I can add your blog later.

Note that the blog page itself (but not the feed) also has some
handy links to other sources for keeping up with blog postings
elsewhere related to HTML5:

 - HTML5 Google Blogsearch
 - HTML5 Bloglines search
 - HTML5 Technorati search

Depending on how much time you have on your hands, you might find
those worth exploring also.

But wait, there's more! And as an extra special bonus, I've also
set up some sorta related (and even less stable and less
well-maintained) aggregators  that you can you can find links to
there; those are:

 - Planet Web Developer
 - Planet Browser News
 - Planet Web Standards

That's it. (This closes my HTML WG ACTION-37)


P.S. As the backend for Planet HTML5 and the other aggregators,
I'm currently using a hacked/kode-bashed (by me) version of Sam
Ruby's Venus:

At some point, I should probably document the stuff I changed and
submit them to Sam as patches, but I haven't gotten around to it
yet. And I've not synced it up to the source from bzr for months
now, and I reckon Sam may have made many changes in the mean time
that render either break my hacks and that make then unecessary...

Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 18:03:22 UTC