Re: SURVEY: Release "HTML 5" specification as a W3C Working Draft? ISSUE-19

Could you please remind members of the WG
whether the Design Principles have yet been
formally agreed and/or published ?

Dan Connolly wrote:
> The previous news on ISSUE-19 / HTML 5 specification release(s)
> was:
>   January 22 publication date
> Toward that end, please answer these questions using the
> web-based survey...
> <blockquote cite="">
> Shall we release HTML 5 as a W3C Working Draft? Specifically, the
> co-chairs (Dan Connolly and Chris Wilson) will choose between v1.344
> (Thu Dec 20 21:42:20 2007 UTC) and any later revisions from the editors
> this week.
> ...
> Provided the question above carries, Shall we release HTML 5 differences
> from HTML 4 as a W3C Working Draft? Specifically, revision 1.33 of
> 2007-10-22 11:17:20 plus any publication-related changes (e.g. status
> section, typos, broken links) agreed by the editor (Anne van Kesteren)
> and one of Dan Connolly, Chris Wilson, or Mike Smith.
> ...
> As publication is necessary for progress of the group and this is a
> non-technical question, we will decide it by counting votes. A quorum is
> 50 working group participants, including half the 28 participating W3C
> member organizations. Provided we have a quorum and at least 2/3rds of
> the non-blank votes are 'yes', the question carries.
> ...
> *This survey is subject to change for the first day or so, i.e. until
> the end of the 10 January teleconference.*
> </blockquote>

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 22:56:31 UTC