RE: HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call Agenda 10/18/2011

Notes - 
* No new Bugs on approved tests
* Send feedback to the list for test case feedback
* No new test submissions

[08:02] <krisk> If someone wants to dial into the conf call, please speak up
[08:04] <krisk> Agenda ->
[08:04] <krisk> Agenda Item #1 Bugs on Approved Tests
[08:05] <krisk> We have no new bugs on approved bugs looking at
[08:07] <krisk> Agenda Item #2 New Test Submissions
[08:07] <krisk> Looks at the shortlog ( I don't see any new test submissions
[08:10] <krisk> Next Agenda Item Test Review Period Oct 15th -> Dec 15th
[08:10] <krisk> I started looking at some tests
[08:10] <plh> I'm looking for a pointer to the release schedule
[08:10] <plh> do you have one handy?
[08:10] <krisk> I sent an email this morning to the list on the Mozilla tests
[08:11] <krisk> next I was going to look at the attribute tests...
[08:12] <krisk> jgraham are you done with the HTML5 parser tests to the point that they can get approved with some minor feedback?
[08:12] <jgraham> krisk: Well the ones that are there are expected to be correct
[08:12] <jgraham> and I don't expect to change the framework soon
[08:13] <jgraham> So yes
[08:13] <krisk> phl -> I have not posted a schedule on the wiki, communication was on the list and HTML WG status updates
[08:13] <krisk> I can place something on the wiki
[08:14] <plh> I was just looking for a pointer to an email or something at this point
[08:14] <plh> I can't find it in public-htmk-testsuite archive
[08:14] <krisk> Some other tests I'll take a peek at (and some others at Microsoft) are the History tests and the Video preload tests that Opera submitted
[08:15] <krisk> plh -> I can send a specific email to the list
[08:16] <plh> well, do you remember when you announce it?
[08:17] <plh> I do believe you sent email about it somewhere
[08:17] <plh> I just can't put my finger on it
[08:17] <krisk> Their was a discussion on the list...with various people say somthing like 'sounds good'
[08:19] <krisk> hand on and I'll find the link...
[08:19] <krisk>
[08:20] <plh> thank you. I didn't realize this was the one
[08:21] <krisk> We also talked about taging the test suite with a revision using Hg
[08:22] <krisk> Hg support link
[08:23] <plh> I guess we can tag all the tests in the submission directory
[08:23] <plh> or we can tag the approved tests on December 15
[08:24] <krisk> We want to tag all the tests in the approved folder on Dec 15th
[08:24] <krisk> Since they will have concensus as correct from the group
[08:24] <plh> an other page we can have is the one linking to all the tests and their review status
[08:25] <plh> so it's easy to know which test remains to be reviewed
[08:25] <plh> are you still moving the tests as they get approved?
[08:26] <plh> I added
[08:28] <krisk> thanks
[08:29] <jgraham> You can only tag a specific version of the whole repository
[08:29] <krisk> Next Agenda item TPAC
[08:29] <krisk> I just was going to mention that I will be attending the webapps and html meetings
[08:30] <jgraham> +1
[08:30] <plh> I'll be around
[08:31] <plh> probably trying to do too many things at the same time
[08:31] <plh>
[08:31] <plh> I updated the section about javascript tests
[08:33] <krisk> plh -> are their other testing intrest group meetings occuring beyond the friday meeting?
[08:33] <plh> James? did you have a chance to talk to ms2ger regarding assert_readonly ?
[08:33] <plh> kris, nope
[08:33] <plh> but I know that some folks are organizing a session at TPAC
[08:33] <plh> on Wednesday
[08:33] <plh>
[08:34] <plh> I haven't been in the loop of that one
[08:37] <jgraham> plh: Sort of. I will fix it to match WebIDL
[08:37] <plh> thank you!
[08:39] <krisk> any other items to discuss, or shall we adjorn?
[08:39] <plh> do we have an agenda for the f2f meeting?
[08:40] <krisk> I believe the f2f meeting will be an open format for both HTML and WebApps
[08:40] <plh> Mike and I should be able to demonstrate the testing framework with the HTML test suite
[08:40] <plh> and get feedback
[08:40] <krisk> Which is basically people show up suggest items, people vote and a schedule is setup
[08:41] <plh> ok
[08:41] <krisk> For webapps I will be suggesting to talk about getting a server setup on the w3c side for websockets
[08:42] <plh> if it's in php, that's easy
[08:42] <plh> if it's not in php, it's more work but we'll make it work
[08:43] <krisk> jgraham do you plan on suggesting any items to discuss at TPAC
[08:44] <krisk> It might be valueable to walk people through a complex use case using testharness.js
[08:47] <jgraham> Yeah, a session on testing could be nice
[08:47] <krisk> I was going to suggest an session on current status
[08:47] <krisk> and coverage...
[08:47] <plh> btw, I notice that they are plenty of testharness.js equivalent out there
[08:48] <plh> in CommonJS for example
[08:48] <plh> should we worry about that?
[08:48] <krisk> I am sure work exists to do some search and replaces to point to the /resource version of testharness
[08:49] <krisk> I don't think it's a pressing task, but one that should not be made worse overtime
[08:49] <plh> that's easy to do indeed
[08:50] <krisk> shall we adjourn?
[08:50] <plh> sure
[08:51] == RRSAgent [rrs-loggee@] has joined #htmlt
[08:51] <RRSAgent> logging to
[08:52] <krisk> I'll have to send the IRC log to the list...forgot to add RRSAgent...
[08:52] <krisk> Meeting Adjourned

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Kris Krueger
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 7:40 PM
To: ''
Subject: HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call Agenda 10/18/2011


#1 Check for any bugs on approved tests
#2 New Test Submissions
#3 Test Review(s) Period from Oct 15th -> December 15th

If you have other items you would like, please email me directly.


Time 16:00-17:00 UTC (11:00am-12:00pm Boston local) Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 48658

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2011 02:05:46 UTC