Re: W3C Director's Blog on EME

Hi Cory,

A few folks are on the road, including Tim, and I haven't been able to 
confirm a response yet. I do agree that it would be inappropriate for 
W3C to take further steps without answering your question. Apologizes 
for the delay in responding.


On 3/2/2017 8:05 AM, Cory Doctorow wrote:
> Is there any answer on this pending from the W3C? It's a pretty
> significant question. We have one pending decision (from the charter
> renewal) and one pending poll (for publication as a recommendation),
> both of which have had murky timelines and no information on when we can
> expect clarity or timing information.
> The Director's blog post on EME is fraught because it appears that he's
> pre-announcing the outcome of both polls, including one that hasn't even
> taken place.
> How are we members supposed to read that post? Is it by way of saying
> that though the AC can expect to be consulted at some time in the
> future, the Director has already reached a conclusion and thus it will
> be a pro forma exercise? I hope that's not the case, but the silence is
> ominous.
> The days of silence following my list message below further compound
> this: presumably, the answer is either, "Tim's just speaking in his
> personal capacity and still has an open mind about this with his
> Director's hat on" or "You can all go home now, we've made up our mind
> and nothing you can say will change it." Either way, I don't understand
> why the W3C would be prepared to draft, publish and announce that post
> but not answer basic followup questions in timely fashion.
> Cory
> On 02/28/2017 02:10 PM, Cory Doctorow wrote:
>> I'm interested in getting some clarity on what this post means. Is the
>> Director saying that regardless of the AC's (eventual, as yet not
>> scheduled) poll outcomes on EME publication, he's decided what will happen?
>> Cory
>> On 02/28/2017 12:29 PM, Paul Cotton wrote:
>>> See
>>> /paulc
>>> HME WG Chair
>>> Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
>>> 17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
>>> Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 2 March 2017 21:55:08 UTC