Re: HTML5 comment


Would iframes[1] suit your purpose? They're not deprecated.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On 7 October 2010 17:10, heikki saha <> wrote:

> Dear sirs,
> I read through the draft of HTML5 and was surprised of that
> frames will be deprecated. I have been using them successfully
> and developed client-side data concentration based on multiple
> frames. The idea is to be able to receive and display data
> from multiple servers without a need for constant refresh rate.
> It is also nice way to use smaller compositions for smaller
> screens and larger compositions for larger screens. The only
> real alternative approach I have found is to use SVG, but:
> - It is not yet well supported by all embedded browsers
> - It is not as flexible e.g. by means of backgrounds
> Therefore I'd recommend to keep the frames in the HTML5.
> Target application area is industrial automation HMIs, where
> data reports from the whole system-area are largely used.
> Best regards,
> -H
> TK Engineering Oy
> Heikki Saha, CTO, Dr.Tech.
> P.O. box 810
> FIN-65101 VAASA
> +358 (0)50 588 6894

Received on Sunday, 10 October 2010 21:46:08 UTC