from January 2014 by subject

[Bug 11984] <video>: Figure out the story with respect to honouring Content-Type headers vs sniffing content

[Bug 13154] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 13524] relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout)

[Bug 13728] on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13814] Permit @alt on <area> even when there is no @href attribute

[Bug 16553] Consider not firing a needkey event when a potentially encrypted stream is encountered if the key is already known

[Bug 16857] Revisit causes of MEDIA_ERR_ENCRYPTED

[Bug 16960] i18n-ISSUE-89: Time zones and local dates and times

[Bug 17199] Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release

[Bug 17673] Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the ISO Base Media File Format

[Bug 17691] General Editorial Comments

[Bug 17750] Define the behavior MediaKeySession close() and clearing the keys attribute

[Bug 18515] Provide more details on behavior of the media element when the key for an encrypted block is not available

[Bug 18574] @hidden should have a weak mapping to aria-hidden=true

[Bug 19490] srcset proposal is not fully responsive

[Bug 19728] "Additional semantics" for the input element's title attribute are not explained

[Bug 19788] What, if any, event should be fired when no key is available to decrypt the block?

[Bug 20087] Use unique styling for the accessibility tree

[Bug 20088] Discuss benefits of using role=application

[Bug 20730] provide an example where the main element clearly isn't at the scooby-do point

[Bug 20944] EME should do more to encourage/ensure CDM-level interop

[Bug 21045] W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly and WHATWG HTML should sync each other as much as possible

[Bug 21100] review 4.11.5 Context menus

[Bug 21102] proofreading / typos

[Bug 21203] EME leaks information cross-origin

[Bug 21421] add aria-label and aria-valuetext to list of translatable attributes in html 5.1

[Bug 21501] Advice to conformance checkers section

[Bug 21579] Empty @alt should not imply role="presentation" if the <img> has @usemap

[Bug 21709] Duplicate entries in obsolete permitted DOCTYPE table

[Bug 21711] Unclear statement regarding inclusion of newlines in <pre> and <textarea>

[Bug 21722] Ambiguous/incorrect wording regarding placeholder attribute of input elements

[Bug 21798] Revisit MediaKeyError codes

[Bug 21818] XHTML5: Permit <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

[Bug 21855] Avoid network traffic and duplicate sessions for the same key(s)

[Bug 21867] remove duplicates from treegrid and treeitem

[Bug 21898] [editorial] Add "ARIA attributes" subsections to the "head" of the spec section for each element

[Bug 21926] Use div instead of span in subheading example for album title

[Bug 21971] Paragraph elements in fieldset example are semantically incorrect.

[Bug 22089] feedbck from James Craig part 1

[Bug 22090] feedbck from James Craig part 2

[Bug 22161] [HTML]: paragraph contains inaccuracies

[Bug 22166] add menuitem to allowed roles on li

[Bug 22191] "ARIA labelling and describing roles"

[Bug 22195] "script element: No role" — it strikes me that <head>, <style>, <script>, <noscript> when scripting is enabled, etc, should probably have aria-hidden=true implied and forced (strong semantic).

[Bug 22205] [HTML]: add markup for delineation

[Bug 22326] Make the dir attribute use isolation instead of embedding

[Bug 22377] typo in the alt for icons image

[Bug 22465] [HTML]: Obsolete use of "border" attribute

[Bug 22563] Update status preface

[Bug 22586] label element that does not label a control is currently conforming

[Bug 22647] missing fieldset and legend from rec table

[Bug 22648] fieldset should have a default role of group

[Bug 22717] I18N-ISSUE-102: unclear path separator

[Bug 22718] I18N-ISSUE-123: explicit use of U+202C to close runs of phrasing content

[Bug 22719] I18N-ISSUE-129: document unclear on why content language pragma processing not equivalent to HTTP Content-Language?

[Bug 22739] modify advice on marking up breadcrumb navigation

[Bug 22791] Alt text for charts, graphs etc should (when sensible) state what the graphic is

[Bug 22803] Browser manufacturers request clarifying text for drawSystemFocusRing functions

[Bug 22852] Average rainfall description consider reference in the ALT text to the full description

[Bug 22854] "" Logos, including the word "logo" in ALT

[Bug 22922] use of DL in HTML5 Q and A

[Bug 22965] Sorting table in HTML5 CR (2013-08-06)

[Bug 23008] Change definition of <cite> to allow it to refer to names of people, not just works

[Bug 23029] Change some made-up words for I18N translation compatibility

[Bug 23044] wonder if we should allow role="presentation" on a <a>

[Bug 23059] Alt text section should address a headshot of a person with their name written

[Bug 23084] ARIA: UL should allow "group" role.

[Bug 23141] in both strong and weak tables, remove from weak

[Bug 23152] Call out that content model: Text, in HTML, depends on the kind of element

[Bug 23175] Use of <cite> in <blockquote> has conflicting semantics

[Bug 23207] Alt text should identify image class when relevant

[Bug 23208] Attributes and translation

[Bug 23252] Using list markup inside <nav>, misleading example in 4.4.4

[Bug 23274] Markup example for "4.5.14 The main element" is missing </ul> end tag

[Bug 23275] Typo: Missing "in"

[Bug 23283] The value attribute on some inputs should be translatable

[Bug 23284] The accesskey attribute should be translatable

[Bug 23287] strengthen requirement for user access to longdesc

[Bug 23288] Reference for Authoring and Repair

[Bug 23289] Suggested editorial fixes from EOWG

[Bug 23291] Add statements about when longdesc is inappropriate

[Bug 23293] Require descriptions which are not whole documents to be well-formed fragments

[Bug 23299] clarify inline vs script

[Bug 23300] explain more about role=application

[Bug 23338] clarify with - There is no formal way to indicate...

[Bug 23365] modify focus steps to move focus to dialog by default

[Bug 23371] Strong Native Semantics table appears to imply @hidden trumps @aria-hidden

[Bug 23377] ARIA: Strong Native Semantics table should defined implicit non-required state on form elements (Currently defines required state, but not the implicit inverse)

[Bug 23380] review other aria state mappings to see if they need to be explicitly allowed

[Bug 23383] Strong semantics table missing @value, @min, @max on ranges (slider, progressbar)

[Bug 23384] ARIA: <script>, <style>, <head> etc should not have aria-hidden="true" as default.

[Bug 23397] Expand advice regarding the use of images for gaiji, novel currency symbols, and the like

[Bug 23399] Shadowing HTMLCollection.namedItem in HTMLOptionsCollection seems unnecessary

[Bug 23400] TextTrackCue abstraction inconsistent

[Bug 23401] dialog::backdrop should be visible by default

[Bug 23402] "description" & "descriptions" would seem to be ripe for easy and confusing bugs:

[Bug 23490] strengthen advice on when to use a section

[Bug 23545] section should only map to region if the section has an accessible name

[Bug 23589] Endangered Features : output

[Bug 23608] Inconsistency between "placeholder" attribute and "placeholder label option"

[Bug 23619] Change MediaKeyError to extend DOMError and use strings for error names

[Bug 23672] The datalist element content model needs clarification

[Bug 23692] only true for some user agents

[Bug 23722] rowspan colspan attribute

[Bug 23816] fix incorrect link

[Bug 23828] HTMLSourceElement with |keySystem| attribute should create MediaKeys object for |keySystem|

[Bug 23870] FKA: No defined way to get keyboard focus into and out of a shadow DOM component

[Bug 23897] Add keysystem content attribute for to HTMLSourceElement

[Bug 23955] Add optional MediaKeys.loadSession(DOMString sessionId) method

[Bug 23970] add advice on use of menu roles for site nav links

[Bug 23978] Informing the user shouldn't be optional

[Bug 23980] drawCustomFocusRing is poorly named

[Bug 23980] drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing are poorly named

[Bug 23980] drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing is poorly named

[Bug 23981] AAPI and non-rectangular path

[Bug 23982] Focus Ring out of canvas

[Bug 23983] Scrolling the focus into view

[Bug 23984] Is it possible to implement drawCustomFocusRing?

[Bug 23985] drawCustomFocusRing and color scheme

[Bug 23986] Current default path

[Bug 23987] Empty path and drawSystemFocusRing

[Bug 24001] alt text example in wrong place

[Bug 24025] Add optional configuration parameter to MediaKeys constructor

[Bug 24027] Define a generic Initialization Data solution for ISO Base Media File Format and/or Common Encryption (will be used by Clear Key)

[Bug 24047] Define or link to a definition of the word "non-normative" and possibly the word "normative"

[Bug 24064] TextTrackCue broken in the 6 Aug 2013 HTML5 CR spec

[Bug 24081] The READY state is too limiting and should be more like the PENDING state

[Bug 24090] figcaption missing from Kinds of content

[Bug 24111] (Rendering) Proposal for styles inheritance on lists numbers and bullets (actually :before and :after pseudo-elements)

[Bug 24117] "keys" and "setMediaKeys()" should be named consistently

[Bug 24122] Update scrollPathIntoView to substitute notional child with better language

[Bug 24127] Unhelpful reference to hgroup

[Bug 24161] <track> short duration cues fail to reach the application

[Bug 24162] drawSystemFocusRing: Inform assistive technologies of the location event when it does not have focus

[Bug 24166] error in description about a element

[Bug 24168] Please revise new normative statement and example

[Bug 24182] "Every HTML element may have an ARIA role attribute specified."

[Bug 24185] MessagePort type not defined

[Bug 24185] New: MessagePort type not defined

[Bug 24186] New: References undefined type HTMLPropertiesCollection

[Bug 24186] References undefined type HTMLPropertiesCollection

[Bug 24189] New: Unreferenced dependency interface URLUtilsReadOnly

[Bug 24190] New: Enumeration types should not contain "Enum" (CanPlayTypeEnum)

[Bug 24192] New: External interface violates member naming conventions

[Bug 24195] [HTML]: update element definition info to reflect additional stuff

[Bug 24195] New: [HTML]: update element definition info to reflect additional stuff

[Bug 24201] New: Allow data table navigation using the tab key by setting keyboard focus on the rows (columns).

[Bug 24206] <[CDATA[ missing !

[Bug 24206] New: <[CDATA[ missing !

[Bug 24213] MediaKeyNeededEvent's "type" attribute conflicts with Event's "type" attribute

[Bug 24213] New: MediaKeyNeededEvent's "type" attribute conflicts with Event's "type" attribute

[Bug 24216] New: setMediaKeys() needs more specification

[Bug 24226] New: Session Close may involve messaging

[Bug 24226] Session Close may involve messaging

[Bug 24227] New: Rename "closed" event to "close"

[Bug 24227] Rename "closed" event to "close"

[Bug 24229] New: Replace "non-normative" with "informative"

[Bug 24229] Replace "non-normative" with "informative"

[Bug 24242] New: point to w3c validator instead of whatwg wiki page

[Bug 24242] point to w3c validator instead of whatwg wiki page

[Bug 24245] Define a focus ring object to use with custom focus rings

[Bug 24245] New: Define a focus ring object to use with custom focus rings

[Bug 24253] allowed roles on <a> change leaked from whatwg spec

[Bug 24253] New: allowed roles on <a> change leaked from whatwg spec

[Bug 24259] incorrect use of main in example - whatwg seepage

[Bug 24259] New: incorrect use of main in example - whatwg seepage

[Bug 24260] New: Enable scenario for establishing isolated [auxillery] browsing context

[Bug 24265] New: Remove at risk features from Canvas 2D Context CR spec

[Bug 24265] Remove at risk features from Canvas 2D Context CR spec

[Bug 24269] New: Allow <ul type="none"> and <ol type="none">

[Bug 24270] Make MediaKeySession State Definitions and Event Summary sections non-normative

[Bug 24270] MediaKeySession State Definitions should be normative

[Bug 24270] New: MediaKeySession State Definitions should be normative

[Bug 24272] area elements that create hyperlinks should have cirka same role options as a elements that create hyperlinks

[Bug 24272] New: area element that creates a hyperlink should have cirka same role options a element that creates a hyperlink

[Bug 24273] Consider allowing the nohref attribute on area elements

[Bug 24273] New: Consider allowing the nohref attribute on area elements

[Bug 24274] New: Specify ARIA role of area element with @alt but which do *not* create hyperlinks

[Bug 24274] Specify ARIA role of area element with @alt but which do *not* create hyperlinks

[Bug 24275] New: Application cache vs HTTP Expires

[Bug 24276] New: Application cache vs HTTP Expires

[Bug 24278] New: should links be allowed inside labels?

[Bug 24278] should links be allowed inside labels?

[Bug 24281] New: Use of <cite> with abbreviated citation forms

[Bug 24281] Use of <cite> with abbreviated citation forms

[Bug 24292] New: Video and Audio constructors should accept File and Blob.

[Bug 24292] Video and Audio constructors should accept File and Blob.

[Bug 24297] New: The canvas spec has huge differences from WHATWG HTML

[Bug 24297] The canvas spec has huge differences from WHATWG HTML

[Bug 24298] The canvas spec has huge differences from W3C HTML Canvas 2D Context

[Bug 24298] The CR version of the canvas spec has a wrong header

[Bug 24302] location.reload() when document address has a fragment should not cause just fragment navigation

[Bug 24302] New: location.reload() when document address has a fragment should not cause just fragment navigation

[Bug 24304] 4px BUG

[Bug 24304] New: 4px BUG

[Bug 24306] embed needs presentation role added

[Bug 24306] New: embed needs presentation role added

[Bug 24311] figcaption does not currently replace alt

[Bug 24311] New: figcaption does not currently replace alt

[Bug 24313] add track to aria semantics table

[Bug 24313] New: add track to aria semantics table

[Bug 24320] New: remaining issues from James Craig

[Bug 24320] remaining issues from James Craig

[Bug 24322] New: Reorganize spec by object

[Bug 24323] New: Rename "First Time a Key Reference is Encountered" algorithm and remove key ID checks from Container Guidelines subsections

[Bug 24335] Advice for ”group of images - no links” also valid for (some) linked images

[Bug 24335] New: Advice for ”group of images - no links” also valid for (some) linked images

[Bug 24340] Change reference to the phrases "focus ring" and "focus region" to "focus outline"

[Bug 24340] Change reference to the word "focus ring" and "focus region" to "focus outline"

[Bug 24340] New: Change reference to the word "focusring" focusregion to "focusoutline"

[Bug 24345] New: Remove "default-base-is-moof is set" requirement and clarify what "movie-fragment relative addressing" means

[Bug 24345] Remove "default-base-is-moof is set" requirement and clarify what "movie-fragment relative addressing" means

[Bug 24347] New: Use consistant criteria for transitioning to HAVE_FUTURE_DATA.

[Bug 24368] Define playback behavior when the key for an encrypted block is not available for a subset of streams

[Bug 24368] New: Define playback behavior when the key for an encrypted block is not available for a subset of streams

[Bug 24369] New: Reason for ‘ruby base span’ attribute to come back

[Bug 24370] [MSE] partial interface TextTrack violates WebIDL?

[Bug 24370] New: [MSE] partial interface TextTrack violates WebIDL?

[Bug 24381] HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys() appears superfluous

[Bug 24381] New: HTMLMediaElement.setMediaKeys() appears superfluous

[Bug 24395] add advisory text about use of p for subheading

[Bug 24395] New: add advisory text about use of p for subheading

[Bug 24405] consider to allow multiple <main> for single-page sites

[Bug 24405] New: consider to allow multiple <main> for single-page sites

[Bug 24416] Ambiguous support for native in-band captioning.

[Bug 24416] New: Ambiguous support for native in-band captioning.

[Bug 24419] Clear Key: Define license request format

[Bug 24419] New: Clear Key: Document license request format

[Bug 24428] Add parser support for feDropShadow

[Bug 24428] New: Add parser support for feDropShadow

[Bug 24446] New: Consider adding CanAdapt Solutions to the funder section

[Bug 24447] make recommendation not to use tables for layout more explicit and expand issue(s) explanation

[Bug 24447] New: make recommendation not to use tables for layout more explicit and expand issue(s) explanation

[Bug 24451] New: editorial comments on LCWD

Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2014 22:46:05 UTC