from February 2013 by subject

[Bug 10475] HTMLMediaElement.frameDropped

[Bug 10618] Use "no ARIA-defined role" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10642] No alternative text description for video key frame (poster)

[Bug 11361] form support for URI templates

[Bug 11402] One problem of todays JavaScript libraries is, that the client has to download the same library over and over again, while visiting multiple sites. One could use services like Google Libraries API for a central location, but that introduces new points of

[Bug 11458] mechanism needed to control refresh url for ajax applications

[Bug 11511] ARIA and DOM dropeffect property mappings per action 562

[Bug 11593] <video> the <track> @kind attribute should include the all of the identified accessibility content types

[Bug 11962] Add HTML tag support for generation of PDF documents or Post Scripts

[Bug 12017] Keeping IMG aspect ratio

[Bug 12311] new feature - client side templates

[Bug 12318] feature request: a more semantic tag for non-intl-measures?

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12493] Allow meter to be childrens of tr

[Bug 12494] Add a scale attribute to the meter element

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12545] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires loop attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12569] "Resource" Package Support

[Bug 12725] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12726] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12777] New HTML5 'context' meta tag [suggestion]

[Bug 12801] Customized error message when i have required errors

[Bug 12828] Client-side Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 13057] Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13277] canvas '2d' context needs a getter for current point in path

[Bug 13343] Option to have type definition:

[Bug 13344] Attributes to tags for Dynamic Update:

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13460] Show more use cases for details/summary elements

[Bug 13508] Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements

[Bug 13548] size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13692] Last call comments on HTML5 from broadcaster's point of view

[Bug 14363] Update the registration mechanisms

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14697] Harmonize roles with ARIA

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14870] autosubmit attribute for form elements

[Bug 15100] Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be

[Bug 15213] Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15276] Parent div has less height value than child divs

[Bug 15287] Use zip archive files as sprite container

[Bug 15366] Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15401] metadata in image files

[Bug 15428] :read-write should always apply to input elements if @readonly doesn't apply

[Bug 15948] <area> should be classified as "interactive content"

[Bug 16155] Specify behavior for embedded content elements that have no browsing context

[Bug 16165] i18n-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state

[Bug 16186] HTML 5 missing explicit directives for support full keyboard access (FKA) when navigating to a fragment identifier

[Bug 16497] HTML should provide a tag called <index> so that the authors of the web pages can enclose words and phrases that they think should be indexed. This would help search engines and others who would like to index web pages. Even the web authors could use a

[Bug 16564] The directionality of a textarea should be determined based on its parent if its value does not have any strong characters

[Bug 16768] Update HTML to make use of the Encoding Standard

[Bug 16783] no clear information on expected or desirable keyboard/focus interaction behaviour with new dialog element

[Bug 16789] specify parsing of the template element

[Bug 16816] menuitem click and menu show events do not indicate what element triggered these events

[Bug 16842] Spec img.x/y

[Bug 16845] Some algorithms in the HTML Parser must also override the "reset the form owner" (e.g., Adoption Agency algorithm)

[Bug 16871] Multiple Sources With Images

[Bug 17030] Lists should permit interleaved structuring

[Bug 17174] Global href and src

[Bug 17199] Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release

[Bug 17479] define navigator.language

[Bug 17689] tree element to display directory

[Bug 17693] editorial mode for HTML page

[Bug 17721] Anda masih kurang bijak ,, JIKA masih belum menjadikan sebagai medium HOMEPAGE ANDA !!! Mengapa ?! Kerana dengan menjadikan (PERCUMA SEUMUR HIDUP) sebagai Homepage anda , anda akan dibayar, tidak seperti selama ini sebelu

[Bug 17789] QK

[Bug 18058] Please provide example for required attribute with radiobutton group. Since that differs from other implementations.

[Bug 18095] Please review the following: "4. If form is already being submitted...". Probably it would be better to introduce a "form's being-submitted" flag and set it to "true" between steps 6 and 7, then change item 4 to "If the form's being-submitted flag is set

[Bug 18111] Its great you introduced a new interface for the TextMetrics, however it would be useful to get a list of fonts that is available to use with .font property. Including web fonts and available system fonts. naming for such property could be availableFonts

[Bug 18117] Shouldn't there be a setClip() rather than a resetClip(). There is already a transform() and setTransform(). Shouldn't clip follow the same conventions?

[Bug 18127] "delay the load event" is typically done in a document. Here it says "delay the load event of the browsing context" which presumably refers to the document that might eventually be created to replace the current document, but that should probably be made

[Bug 18146] <embed>: "Whenever an embed element that was not potentially active becomes potentially active, and whenever a potentially active embed element's src attribute is set, changed, or removed, and whenever a potentially active embed element's type attribute i

[Bug 18178] The navigating to a fragment identifier" algorithm shouldn't be async

[Bug 18191] Remove the missing value default for formmethod=""

[Bug 18194] Definition of .properties does not match implementation reality

[Bug 18207] "Append a new entry at the end of the History object" - there seems to be a special case when the document is not completely loaded and the navigation wasn't triggered by user intereaction. In this case Opera + WebKit (always) and Gecko (sometimes) don't

[Bug 18219] It seems that it isn't possible to create a second load event by doing a sequence from within an existing load event

[Bug 18220] drawImage should accept SVGImageElement

[Bug 18228] Step 10 of this algorithm only considers ";" whereas Gecko/WebKit and soon Opera also accept ",".

[Bug 18238] Please add a definition for "being in a forms collection". The intuitive meaning is that it is document.forms, hence covering all forms in the document. The expression "the forms collection that it is in, if any" is thus confusing.

[Bug 18244] Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way.

[Bug 18263] Should ordered list numbering consider list items in child blocks?

[Bug 18290] Consider making `null` for reflecting IDL attributes remove the content attribute

[Bug 18294] When setting designMode to 'on', the selection should be moved to an empty selection at the start of body (or something like that). If there isn't a body yet, wait until there is. Don't do this for contenteditable.

[Bug 18298] "The script element gets inserted into a document." - is the order defined if multiple script elements are simultaneously inserted? What about the relative order of other things that happen on insertion and script elements?

[Bug 18300] i18n-ISSUE-110: Contact information for meta extensions registry

[Bug 18365] register about URIs defined by HTML5

[Bug 18396] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Add an XML check as a step zero

[Bug 18397] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Clarify what "information on the likely encoding" covers

[Bug 18400] Define and document timestamp heuristics

[Bug 18438] The Table summary attribute

[Bug 18439] Using directional cues (cue being an hour hand of a clock) to set focus on a page

[Bug 18508] Media-type registrations should include clipboard flavor names

[Bug 18549] Add era attribute to time element

[Bug 18555] title="<white-space>" should not cause a tooltip

[Bug 18790] Describing cell for an header cell in a data table

[Bug 18932] Make Opus audio codec mandatory for <audio>

[Bug 18933] Segment byte boundaries are not defined

[Bug 18975] registerContentHanlder and registerProtocolHandler open huge security and privacy holes

[Bug 19009] A MediaKeys should belong to a single HTMLMediaElement.

[Bug 19013] Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 19016] Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 19019] i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 19026] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 19028] Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission

[Bug 19031] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 19050] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 19052] Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 19053] An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 19056] Need to expose media metadata properties

[Bug 19076] Add new attributes to <meta> element to indicate that the page is an app and not a document

[Bug 19208] Keymessage event not needed when Key System already has Key

[Bug 19541] Specification split marks are out of kilter

[Bug 19591] Making the main content element a sectioning element

[Bug 19618] need definition about key id and content id

[Bug 19676] timestampOffset accuracy

[Bug 19736] Paint Source reference is no longer valid

[Bug 19741] Wrong advice on headings should be removed

[Bug 19784] timestampOffset with multiplexed Media Segments

[Bug 19820] Description of transformation in drawimage is confusing

[Bug 19859] Point to RFC 6694

[Bug 19869] Consider a normative reference for "polyglot markup"/polyglot HTML syntax

[Bug 19874] Drop scoped stylesheets

[Bug 19888] select the default value of "dir" according to "lang"

[Bug 19925] Drop XHTML from the title of the document

[Bug 19952] HTML5 Digit Shape Requirement

[Bug 19999] resolve normative MIMESNIFF reference to a "Living Standard"

[Bug 20098] submitting forms with application/x-www-form-urlencoded vs charset

[Bug 20118] Several clarifications / suggestions for improvement

[Bug 20167] Invalid [FULLSCREEN] reference

[Bug 20198] Formally define that polyglot can be extended

[Bug 20224] Consider defining abbr="" for <td> elements

[Bug 20239] Context Menu API for browsers (4 canvas-app)

[Bug 20319] Parser issue with AAA

[Bug 20327] Continuous splice flag

[Bug 20404] more non conforming uses of title attribute in example code

[Bug 20448] Pseudo-cursor: implement

[Bug 20550] Represents for Header element

[Bug 20554] HTMLImageElement's constructor should use optional arguments

[Bug 20583] Add download attribute to a and area element

[Bug 20606] their is an error

[Bug 20696] ARIA: Clarify if features with strong native semantics also may have presentation role.

[Bug 20697] ARIA: Better wording in the heading of the second column

[Bug 20699] ARIA: Reshuffle and rename the sections "Strong Native Semantics" and "Implicit ARIA Semantics" section

[Bug 20702] Spec has started to fake the represenation of named character entities

[Bug 20707] Please add a Scope section per the qualification of the TAG's support for REC track publication

[Bug 20714] timestampOffset in live case

[Bug 20740] document outlining issues

[Bug 20767] Restrict "Encoding declaration state" to only media types with provided charset parameter

[Bug 20769] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 20789] "digest" (cryptographic hash) attribute for <script>

[Bug 20792] Merhaban incorrectly spelled

[Bug 20798] keySystem strings should be compared case-sensitively

[Bug 20799] launchURI method proposal

[Bug 20804] The description for the menu element is confusing

[Bug 20851] Allowed ARIA roles for UL, OL should include group to allow for treeview scenario?

[Bug 20851] New: Allowed ARIA roles for UL, OL should include group to allow for treeview scenario?

[Bug 20854] appcache : fallback entries need clarification on duplicates

[Bug 20854] New: appcache : fallback entries need clarification on duplicates

[Bug 20859] [CSS4] "content: frame(width, height)" or "box-model: image(width, height)" proposal

[Bug 20859] New: [CSS4] "content: frame(width, height)" or "box-model: image(width, height)" proposal

[Bug 20861] New: Should <keygen> be conforming-but-obsolete

[Bug 20861] Should <keygen> be conforming-but-obsolete

[Bug 20881] New: Bug in script

[Bug 20890] New: Poster attribute for audio element to be used with subtitles in track element

[Bug 20890] Poster attribute for audio element to be used with subtitles in track element

[Bug 20891] New: link to web developer edition broken

[Bug 20896] Misprint

[Bug 20896] New: Syntax error

[Bug 20899] loosen media segment random access point constraint

[Bug 20899] New: loosen media segment random access point constraint

[Bug 20900] drop constraint that MPEG2-TS segments must comprise one or more complete access units

[Bug 20900] New: drop constraint that MPEG2-TS segments must comprise one or more complete access units

[Bug 20901] contiguous splice/append without knowing media segment internal timestamps

[Bug 20901] New: contiguous splice/append without knowing media segment internal timestamps

[Bug 20903] New: subtitle kind of track inside an audio element

[Bug 20903] subtitle kind of track inside an audio element

[Bug 20916] incorrect alt on img in section 4.9.10 - th element

[Bug 20916] New: incorrect alt on img in section 4.9.10 - th element

[Bug 20917] New: typo in alt

[Bug 20917] typo in alt

[Bug 20919] New: no alt on 2 informative images

[Bug 20919] no alt on 2 informative images

[Bug 20920] images missing alt - details element section

[Bug 20920] New: images missing alt - details element section

[Bug 20944] EME should do more to encourage/ensure CDM-level interop

[Bug 20944] EME should do more to encourage/ensure CDM-level interop, and can be different per-user/device.

[Bug 20944] New: EME should do more to encourage/ensure CDM-level interop

[Bug 20945] New: Specs in dvcs have mixed-content stylesheets

[Bug 20945] Specs in dvcs have mixed-content stylesheets

[Bug 20946] New: Specs in dvcs are full of /tip/ links that should be /default/ links

[Bug 20946] Specs in dvcs are full of /tip/ links that should be /default/ links

[Bug 20948] New: timestampOffset should reopen media source just like append

[Bug 20948] timestampOffset should reopen media source just like append

[Bug 20952] Add an update complete event

[Bug 20952] New: Add an update complete event

[Bug 20953] New: The segment parser loop fires an updateend event but is consumed in the stream append loop, which also fires updateend

[Bug 20953] The segment parser loop fires an updateend event but is consumed in the stream append loop, which also fires updateend

[Bug 20956] Getting a more formal definition for imageSmoothingEnabled

[Bug 20956] New: Getting a more formal definition for imageSmoothingEnabled

[Bug 20959] EME does not prevent a per-user specific CDM.

[Bug 20959] New: EME does not prevent a per-user specific CDM.

[Bug 20960] EME is not limited to video.

[Bug 20960] New: EME is not limited to video.

[Bug 20961] EME depends on privileged access to the users computer which is not technically available.

[Bug 20961] New: EME depends on privileged access to the users computer which is not technically available.

[Bug 20961] The EME's CDM depends on privileged access to the users computer which is not technically available.

[Bug 20962] EME depends on patented technology.

[Bug 20962] New: EME depends on patented technology.

[Bug 20962] The EMEs CDM depends on patented technology.

[Bug 20963] EME is technically incomplete

[Bug 20963] New: EME is technically incomplete

[Bug 20964] EME depends on servers with a finite life.

[Bug 20964] EME supports content that depends on servers with a finite life.

[Bug 20964] New: EME depends on servers with a finite life.

[Bug 20965] EME results in a loss of control over security and privacy.

[Bug 20965] New: EME results in a loss of control over security and privacy.

[Bug 20966] EME design trivializes the demanded loss of control of security and privacy demanded.

[Bug 20966] New: EME design trivializes the demanded loss of control of security and privacy demanded.

[Bug 20967] EME does not allow independent implementation, excluding open source implementations.

[Bug 20967] New: EME does not allow independent implementation, excluding open source implementations.

[Bug 20968] EME depends on legal sanctions to succeed and this is not a matter that can be addressed here.

[Bug 20968] New: EME depends on legal sanctions to succeed and this is not a matter that can be addressed here.

[Bug 20978] Just an API for encouraging the use of proprietary plugins

[Bug 20978] New: Just an API for encouraging the use of proprietary plugins

[Bug 20984] New: Does header belong to its nearest ancestor sectioning content/root element?

[Bug 20987] New: The main element could do with some more examples

[Bug 20987] The main element could do with some more examples

[Bug 20991] New: MediaKeys constructor failure case refers to unknown "new object".

[Bug 20992] EME should define or reference a platform-independent VM in which CDMs will run

[Bug 20992] New: EME should define or reference a platform-independent VM in which CDMs will run

[Bug 20993] New: XHTML5 syntax should require valid DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE root> should match root element)

[Bug 20993] To facilitate migration, <!DOCTYPE html> should be recommended for the XHTML5 syntax.

[Bug 20993] XHTML5 syntax should require valid DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE root> should match root element)

[Bug 21016] New: Please split Clear Key into a separate optional specification

[Bug 21016] Please split Clear Key into a separate optional specification

[Bug 21020] add pointer to Using ARIA in HTML

[Bug 21020] New: add pointer to Using ARIA in HTML

[Bug 21023] New: tracker

[Bug 21023] tracker

[Bug 21034] Harmonize text regarding tracks and events

[Bug 21034] New: Harmonize text regarding tracks and events

[Bug 21037] New: These extensions will make it harder to make money on the web

[Bug 21037] These extensions will make it harder to make money on the web

[Bug 21040] New: Double-sided ruby

[Bug 21041] New: Inlining ruby

[Bug 21043] New: Use an optional NamedConstructor argument for HTMLAudioElement

[Bug 21043] Use an optional NamedConstructor argument for HTMLAudioElement

[Bug 21045] New: W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly and WHATWG HTML should sync each other as much as possible

[Bug 21045] W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly and WHATWG HTML should sync each other as much as possible

[Bug 21047] New: Dialog Window API prototype 4 HTML5 web-app

[Bug 21050] New: Use an optional NamedConstructor argument for HTMLAudioElement

[Bug 21060] New: review canvas best practices

[Bug 21060] review canvas best practices

[Bug 21065] Example is not matching the spec

[Bug 21065] New: Example is not matching the spec

[Bug 21074] Need ability to load scripts without blocking onload

[Bug 21074] New: Need ability to load scripts without blocking onload

[Bug 21079] addTextTrack() incorrectly assumes WebVTT content type

[Bug 21079] New: addTextTrack() incorrectly assumes WebVTT content type

[Bug 21080] New: TextTrackCue() constructor incorrectly assumes WebVTT content type

[Bug 21080] TextTrackCue() constructor incorrectly assumes WebVTT content type

[Bug 21081] Analysis of open source DRM systems and features that could be adopted

[Bug 21081] New: Analysis of open source DRM systems and features that could be adopted

[Bug 21088] New: Spec repeats potential Gecko bugs about encoding defaults as the truth

[Bug 21088] Spec repeats potential Gecko bugs about encoding defaults as the truth

[Bug 21099] need to fix war-aria section info on button/menu/menuitem

[Bug 21099] New: need to fix war-aria section info on button/menu/menuitem

[Bug 21100] New: review 4.11.5 Context menus

[Bug 21100] review 4.11.5 Context menus

[Bug 21102] New: proofreading / typos

[Bug 21102] proofreading / typos

[Bug 21103] New: The specification for the a element is missing the download and ping attributes

[Bug 21103] Some <a ping> content is present in the spec, contrary to the ISSUE-1/ISSUE-2 decision

[Bug 21103] The specification for the a element is missing the download and ping attributes

[Bug 21104] Distinguish between CDMs that allow the users to have digital access to the decrypted or decoded data versus those that do not.

[Bug 21104] New: Distinguish between CDMs that allow the users to have digital access to the decrypted or decoded data versus those that do not.

[Bug 21112] New: buffer/splice/overlap model constrains natural editing granularity to whole media segments

[Bug 21131] Broken figcaption-as-alt-condition reference

[Bug 21131] New: Broken figcaption-as-alt-condition reference

[Bug 21144] New: Unified solution for <picture> element

[Bug 21144] Unified solution for <picture> element

[Bug 21147] New: WebSocket API could provide a method to get the HTTP response code when it's not 101

[Bug 21147] WebSocket API could provide a method to get the HTTP response code when it's not 101

[Bug 21148] New: Provide <input> element attribute to suppress input caching and/or prediction

[Bug 21150] New: Changing duration while updating should fail

[Bug 21155] EME should be explicit about its relationship with Web Platform APIs that allow video frames and audio samples to be extracted from an HTMLMediaElement

[Bug 21155] New: EME should be explicit about its relationship with Web Platform APIs that allow video frames are audio samples to be extracted from an HTMLMediaElement

[Bug 21159] New: SourceBuffer appendArrayBuffer should take ArrayBufferView

[Bug 6496] Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a text alternative

[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8872] split out and modify parts of Section the img element

[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9216] Provide a CAPTCHA example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

Last message date: Thursday, 28 February 2013 23:30:07 UTC