[Bug 19028] Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission


--- Comment #3 from Alexander Romanovich <alex@sirensclef.com> ---
In that case you could just allow hosts in the whitelist as well:

No-Cookies: /path/to/dir1/*;/path/to/resource;www.domain.com

This option would not necessitate the developer setting a rel attribute on a
DOM-inserted tag referencing a resource but, more importantly, that's not the
only scenario we'd be dealing with for script-initiated requests. There are
lots of XHR requests that would benefit from this.

The other reason I like Ian's whitelist/prefix idea is that deployment would be
greatly simplified. My application doesn't need to have to worry about
generating rel attributes for stylesheets, scripts, images. I simply send an
extra header with my documents and forget about it. I could even do that
site-wide with Apache's mod_headers, for instance.

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