Re: [text] HTML-A11Y Text, Tues 4 September 2012, 17:00 Z, (1PM Eastern), 60 min

Hi Judy and all,

>> Standing regrets for the text team meeting, due to a recurring work
>> conflict. But if things go well I may be able to call in for a few
>> minutes.
> Please try to join for at least part of the text subteam call so that we can
> coordinate more directly.

As this morning progresses that seems increasingly unlikely. It is the
first day of classes here at the university and I'm swamped...up to my
neck in alligators.

> would be unnecessary to do another full call for consensus on the updated
> text;

Judy, I understand that you may feel that way. However, I will not be
using the new proposed text unless there is task force consensus on

> Laura, please understand that the HTML Co-Chairs can't survey it right now,

Sam, Paul, and Maciej, when you do survey ISSUE-30, please use the
text on the Main Page [1] and not the draft (Talk) discussion page

Judy, if the new proposed text obtains task force consensus BEFORE the
HTML survey, I'll swap it into the main page. If it doesn't, the
existing text will work just fine. My advice: if you think that the
new text is better than the old call for consensus. It shouldn't be a

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Laura L. Carlson

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 15:58:37 UTC