Re: 48-Hour Consensus Call: ARIA-DescribedAT & Longdesc

On 3 April 2012 14:50, Charles McCathieNevile <> wrote:

> Possibly, but it is clear that despite poor implementation, the fact that
> a real proportion of the audience who *needs* this stuff don't really
> understand how it works, and that it is expensive, thoughtful publishers
> with years of experience in making stuff accessible for real world use
> cases have decided that the expense of using longdesc is justified.

I think that's probably because WAI have been giving out misleading
UA/AT support information for longdesc in WCAG H45:

This is being fixed, so hopefully publishers will make their long
descriptions accessible to everyone, including all SR users, in


Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 20:26:19 UTC