Re: summarization information delivery options: attribute or element

Leif Halvard Silli, Tue, 2 Mar 2010 21:14:28 +0100:
>>> If the reason for making it an
>>> element is that authors can provide richer markup, then I think we're
>>> definitely outside the territory of a concise overview of the
>>> structure of a data table, and more into summary being a long
>>> description of the table.
>> Or many other things.
> One purpose of for an element solution is documented in HTML4 and 
> WCAG20 H73: Avoid to duplicate content from the caption in the summary. 
> If the element is easy to display as part of the caption, then that 
> issue will solve itself. And for that reason, an element, such as 
> <summary>, as child of <caption> might be better than a element as 
> child of <table>?
> <caption>Table 1: Earnings
> <summary> … description of the table's organization … visible or 
> invisible … author decides …</summary>
> </caption>
> A second purpose for an element solution is that the table summary 
> should be programmatically detectable - according to WCAG2. This is 
> much simpler to achieve via a dedicated feature, such as @summary or 
> <summary>, rather than through @aria-labelledby. Of course, it will 
> have to be specified how to use aria-labelledby="" to achieve this 
> purpose. But never the less, aria-labelledby will be subject to rotten 
> links and duplicate ids etc. 

Third purpose: To keep the table's caption clean/useful - even to AT 
users: it separates the label that identifies the <table> from the 
label that explains it organisation.
leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2010 22:17:40 UTC