Re: HTML Chairs Solicit Proposals for ISSUE-85 - ARIA anchor-roles

Hi Laura and TF,

Laura Carlson wrote:
> For your information there is a call for a change proposal to be
> written for the ARIA anchor-roles, which is HTML Issue 85 [1]. Please
> see Maciej's message [2] that is also  forwarded below.

I agree that the current spec draft [3] doesn't make sense and is
restricting the allowed roles too much. I have some ideas, but I
remember that Steve has created a matrix of roles in a Google doc,
didn't he? I can contribute to such a document.

The question to me is: is restriction and overriding with "strong native
semantics" the right approach? Do we need such a table/matrix at all?
Shouldn't we trust that the author knows what he does?

For example, anchors could be tabs containing hyperlinks to fragment
identifiers of tabpanels. List items could be children of tablists, but
themselves they could be ignored (role="presentation") while they
contain anchors that are tabs. Just accept the author's selection.

Or take flickr: there we have headlines (h1) that can be clicked and
edited. Remember that @role can take multiple values, so it's a heading
and a text input at the same time.

And if we need a restriction, is the HTML5 spec the right place? After
all ARIA is specified in the ARIA spec.



Laura Carlson wrote:
> Related References
> Change Proposals
> Accessibility Change Proposal Status
> Best Regards,
> Laura
> [1]
> [2]
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Maciej Stachowiak <>
> Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 9:47 PM
> Subject: ISSUE-85 - anchor-roles - Chairs Solicit Proposals
> To: " WG" <>
> "ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5"
> This issue has been open three months and was crated under the new
> decision policy. Per the decision policy, at this time the chairs
> would like to solicit volunteers to write Change Proposals.
> If no Change Proposals are written by February 21, 2010 this issue
> will be closed without prejudice.
> Issue status link:
> Regards,
> Maciej
> -- End forwarded message --

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2010 15:43:37 UTC