rel="longdesc" (was: providing a long description using the summary and details elements.)

John Foliot, Wed, 25 Aug 2010 09:30:29 -0700 (PDT):
> Steven Faulkner wrote:

> James Craig (@cookiecrook) via twitter indirectly suggested that link[rel]
> might play a role here: while we currently do not have a defined link type
> of {rel="longdesc"}, I believe Leif already alluded to something along
> those lines earlier (??). Then we could have a 'second category' <details>
> element that is further defined with the rel attribute: <details
> rel="longdesc">. Or am I off in the weeds?

Bug 10434 now tracks the proposal to establish rel="longdesc". [1]  
Since the link registry needs that link types are documented in a spec, 
I figured that the right way forward is to put rel="longdesc" into the 
spec before trying to register it.

Also added rel="longdesc" to the WhatWG wiki. [2] 

Found out that the first to propose rel="longdesc" was Eric Eggert, on 
25th of June 2007. [3]. Maciej was quick to endorse. [4]

leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2010 18:02:20 UTC