Re: Notice of impending Formal Objection to Issue 30 Decision (@longdesc)

David Singer, Fri, 13 Aug 2010 09:06:15 -0700:
> I'm not usually one to raise points of grammar, spelling, or 
> semantics, but since it's come up twice on the same thread on the 
> same day, I think it's worth pointing out that
>    "begging the question" 
> does NOT mean "raising the question" but means "assuming the answer 
> in the question" <>

Wikipedia says: ]]More recently, "to beg the question" has been used as 
a synonym for "to raise the question":[[

Swedish Wikipedia says - in my translation 

A Petitio principii is usually a request.

A petitio principii is a proof which is logically valid, since the 
conclusion follows the premisses, but which is not a binding proof 
since the truth of the premises is not known. It is even called (in 
Greek) en 'archei aiteisthai' and [in English] 'begging the question', 
the latter since it is used in connections where someone asks that the 
premise should be investigated.

As for my own use of this phrase:

> Charles McCathieNevile, Fri, 13 Aug 2010 06:15:13 +0800:
>> It may be the case that a future version of 
> ARIA can change this. However, this boils down to having exactly the 
> same attribute, with a new name, available on more elements, in some 
> unspecified future when ARIA 2 is ready.
> Well pointed out. 
> Which begs the question: why not rather put @longdesc directly into 
> ARIA, and just globalize @longdesc, as a native attribute - to all - 
> relevant - elements in HTML5?

If what Charles said is true, namely that a ARIA solution simply 
involves recreating @longdesc with a new name in ARIA, then we can just 
as well use @longdesc directly. I believe Charles is right, but it 
should be investigated. 

I am not convinced that the modern usage is all that different from the 
old usage. 
leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 13 August 2010 16:47:37 UTC