Re: Headsup on hCard profile xml:base concerns

Unless there are any objections raised at the telecon, I will change the 
following code in glean-profile:


<rdf:RDF xml:base="{/html:html/html:head/html:base/@href}">


    <xsl:if test="/html:html/html:head/html:base/@href">
      <xsl:attribute name="xml:base">
        <xsl:value-of select="/html:html/html:head/html:base/@href" />

or there abouts.

The current code always add an xml:base, and relies on xml:base="" being 
a no-op. The replacement only adds an xml:base when there is an 
html:base (with an href).

I will make this change tomorrow.


Chimezie Ogbuji wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 16:59 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>> ====
>> However, I can change the code to not put the xml:base="" when there is 
>> no html:base. It's just it was easier to always generate it.
> It looks like the problem here is with the parser, so I don't feel too
> strongly, but it might be a good idea (for clarity) if our deployed
> transforms didn't use xml:base="" but that we at least had a test to
> cover this scenario (I'm assuming we do).  My $0.02

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Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 08:53:16 UTC