RE: GRDDL Spec Review

> We could also add the ISBN of the Stand, a non-URI id:
>   <dc:identifier>ISBN 0517219018</dc:identifier>

Here be dragons :)

It would be better to use an isbn urn, however there is no accepted best
practice. Both



<dc:identifier rdf:resource="urn:isbn:0517219018" />

Are feasible. In recent work I've done I've chosen the former as a
pragmatic choice. Alternatively you could even do

<rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:isbn:0517219018">

For the whole description. Although that means that it's a description
of a specific edition of the work rather than the work itself. Also
ISBNs are supposed to be globally unique, but they're not since
publishers have been known to reuse them...

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Received on Sunday, 22 October 2006 10:00:48 UTC