use case: semantic wikis [was: Introduction: Fabien Gandon]

On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 10:27 +0200, Fabien Gandon wrote:
>  b, we are experimenting with semantic web based wikis [1] and in this 
> context wiki pages contain RDFa that structures the whole wiki.

I'm very interested in this use case. I first wrote about it,
or something similar, in March...

 Toward Semantic Web data from Wikipedia
 Submitted by connolly on Tue, 2006-03-07

I've done a few scraping hacks; the most recent one is:

 Choosing flight itineraries using tabulator and data from Wikipedia
 Submitted by connolly on Mon, 2006-07-17

But of course, I'd like the original publisher to authorize
the extraction.

I think GRDDL could be a pretty cost-effective mechanism, but I'm
also keeping an eye on stuff like semantic media wiki...

>  The 
> project is called SweetWiki. We have an online prototype [2] and we 
> released the XSLT1 stylesheet we use to extract all the RDFa from an 
> XHTML page [1]; an important point for us was to make it work 
> independently of the RDFS schemas used in the RDFa.


delicious even... I added that one to

Oh... I see you had already added it to


I hope to read the article[1] in more detail. At a glance, it
looks like just the sort of how-to material that we're chartered
to do.
 "tutorial materials and use cases sufficient to bootstrap adoption of

> Cheers,
> Fabien
> [1]
> [2]
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2006 14:46:36 UTC