GRDDL WG 30 Aug minutes for review


plain text:



                            GRDDL WG Weekly

30 Aug 2006



   See also: [3]IRC log



          DanC, FabienGandon, harryh, Brian_Suda, Rachel_Yager,

          Ben, Adida, IanD, danja




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2006-08-30T15:00Z (11am
            Boston time)
         2. [6]Double-check our understanding of meeting times
         3. [7]Discussion of Primer Document
         4. [8]Quick review of Use Cases document, reviewing actions
            from last meeting
         5. [9][#issue-base-param]
         6. [10][#issue-whichlangs]
     * [11]Summary of Action Items

Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2006-08-30T15:00Z (11am Boston time)

   <scribe> scribe: DanC

   -> [12]Edited Minutes for review: Aug 23 2006 15:00Z GRDDL WG


   Vipul Kashyap is excused

   <ryager> I may need to leave in half hour.

   <harryh> ryager: that's fine!

   RESOLUTION: to accept
   .html as a true record


Double-check our understanding of meeting times

   <harryh> Rachel, Are you okay with scribing?

   PROPOSED: to meet 11:00am-12:30 ET Boston Time Wed 6 Sep, and weekly
   thereafter at 11am Boston time


   scribe for 6 Sep is ryager

Discussion of Primer Document

   <scribe> ACTION: Ian to discuss using meeting-scheduling for the
   primer [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   briansuda: I've been working on the hreview/guitar details...
   haven't found much real hreview data, but I expect to be able to
   work around that
   ... I have a draft in progress... how to share...?

   harryh: just mail a pointer or copy to the mailing list

   <chimezie> ty

   harryh: do you think we can get a primer done in Sep?

   briansuda: depends... I'm not aware of an aggregator; building one
   would be tricky

   DanC: well, the xmlarmyknife service will aggregate real-time, if
   you give it the URIs

   briansuda: well, does that match the use case?

   DanC: well, just start with whatever works.

   <scribe> ACTION: BrianS to discuss using guitar-buying for the
   primer [CONTINUES] [recorded in


Quick review of Use Cases document, reviewing actions from last meeting



   harryh: I read it, and I like it

   DanC: I like what I've read in detail; I skimmed some parts. The
   W3C/Digital library case doesn't motivate GRDDL so much; I haven't
   found inspiration to contribute.

   FabienGandon: note that isn't just the W3C /TR/ case; it's got 2
   others merged in (querying )

   <ryager> I'm leaving now...

   ryager: I intend to copyedit a draft; let me know exactly which
   draft, ok?

   harryh: how about taking the W3C-specific stuff out of use case #4?

   FabienGandon: well, OK, but I'd prefer to integrate real experience
   from someone else.
   . ACTION: DanC and Fabien to elaborate W3C /TR/ case.

   I'm inclined to withdraw, since I need to catch up on testing work

   DanC: one approach is to say "here's what the W3C does with RDF and
   /TR/; here's how it could be better with GRDDL"

   <harryh> ACTION: Harry to review digital library use case [recorded
   in [17]]


   <scribe> ACTION: Fabien to review/reconsider digital library use
   case [recorded in


   harryh: so we still need an XML Schema use case...?

   DanC: I think the clinical data use case covers XML Schema; another
   one would be nice, but not essential for 1st release.
   ... there are two cases Ben and I have discussed... I think it's ok
   to defer them to later drafts...

   <scribe> ACTION: FabienGandon to note that "Plus: ... " part of
   scheduling use case #1 needs work, and ask Ben for help whenever he
   becomes availble and drop it from the draft, meanwhile [recorded in


   <harryh> Chime is going to talk to danja

   <harryh> to make sure Xforms use case works well with Atom, but
   otherwise he's happy

   poll: what to do between now and pub?

   Harry: I think the digial lib use case needs work, and then it's

   <chimezie> FabienGandon (off topic) but *how* do you create those
   diagrams? :)

   <harryh> ACTION: Ryager to read draft thoroughly [recorded in


   DanC: I'd like to make a decision maybe next week, after having
   somebody read it top-to-bottom this week

   FabienGandon: we need an intro...
   ... [missed?]
   ... need help with seealso applications

   <chimezie> pointers to 'see also'

   <harryh> 2 more diagrams

   FabienGandon: need help from BenA.

   Harry: we don't need seealso pointers if there aren't apps

   FabienGandon: the seealso pointers are brand new; I need to let
   people know.
   ... feels like we're 2 weeks from shipping, to me

   briansuda: looks pretty good; I'd like to go over it one time...
   ... in the review use case, there's some talk of switching to hotels
   from guitars; I don't know if the primer has to exactly match...

   Chime: need to check with danja about atomol, [missed], diagram for
   clinical data use case

   Harry: Dan, last week you were interested in an XML/XML-schema

   DanC: yes, 2 audiences for primer stuff: microformats, XML/schema
   ... Chime, does the clinical data have namespace pointers?

   Chime: yes... mostly HL7. Not URIs that cleveland clinic owns.

   Harry: so this looks desireable, but I don't see commitment in the
   form of immediate action. ok to skip XML/schema it for 1st draft



   <scribe> ACTION: DanC to enumerate options for base issue, pick one,
   and propose it in the form of a test case [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   Danc: options include: (a) no specific mechanism, just use relative
   URIs in and out
   ... (b) use the XSLT 2 base-something() function
   ... (c) use a GRDDL-specified Base param
   ... (a1) use xml:base and/or <base href="..." /> in the instance

   Brian: hmm... consider the case of the tidy service... relative URIs
   might not get the right treatment there

   Chime: there's also the RSS case that Dom mentioned; I dind't
   completely understand...

   DanC: I think the norm in the RSS world is to have absolute URIs in
   <link> elements

   poll... preferred option

   Chime: let's stick to existing XSLT 1 mechanisms. (a)

   Brian: I'm currently relying on (c) in the case that (a) isn't

   FabienGandon: we're currently using a parameter in combination with

   DanC: I have a mild preference for no new mechanism (a), but I'm not
   sure yet.

   FabienGandon: ah... I see the issue around stanrdizing the parameter
   name now... I think I prefer that GRDDL doesn't specify a new

   Harry: I don't want the parameter to override xml:base.
   ... and since xslt2 alreayd standadizes a base uri function, we
   should mention that.

   DanC: I think I'll make a test case with the xslt2 function too.


   <scribe> ACTION: Harry to propose minimum set of transformation
   formats that must be supported by grddl processors. [DONE] [recorded
   in [22]]


   .html GRDDL and transformations (take 2)


   Harry: in sum: SHOULD support XSTL 1; MAY support others.

   DanC: yes.

   PROPOSED: to address [#issue-whichlangs] as per the current draft
   (1.83 2006/08/25 20:23:09). SHOULD support XSLT 1; MAY support

   Chime: <?xml-stylesheet ?> introduces some ambiguity...

   DanC: yes... we should be clear on that [I'll probably add a new

   <scribe> ACTION: DanC to add issue for relationship to
   <?xml-stylesheet ?> [recorded in


   <harryh> Harry: We need to add the media type story to GRDDL spec

   <scribe> ACTION: Harry to draft some elaboration on how media types
   work with GRDDL [recorded in


   <harryh> ACTION: Harry to write a few sentences on media type draft
   and run by DanC [recorded in


   (oops; dup)

   RESOLUTION: to address [#issue-whichlangs] as per the current draft
   (1.83 2006/08/25 20:23:09). SHOULD support XSLT 1; MAY support

   "While javascript, C, or any other programming language technically

   [scribe got too involved in the discussion]

   <scribe> ACTION: BenA to flesh out HTML RDF/A output of GRDDL use
   cases [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   agenda points to [28] ...


   scribe: I'm editing [29]


   <scribe> ACTION: Chime to suggest which conformance labels, if any,
   the GRDDL spec should include [recorded in



   action -11

   <scribe> ACTION:Harry to discuss with BenA and DanC the XML Schema
   use-case in context of Creative Commons and OAI. See clarification
   from DanC. [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   <scribe> ACTION:Danja to discuss wiki usecase, query usecase, and
   e-learning usecase [DONE] [recorded in


   yeah... rephrase "how a GRDDL client interacts with a document whose
   root element is an XSLT literal result element" to include xinclude

   <harryh> \away off to dinner

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Chime to suggest which conformance labels, if any, the
   GRDDL spec should include [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: DanC to add issue for relationship to <?xml-stylesheet
   ?> [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Fabien to review/reconsider digital library use case
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: FabienGandon to note that "Plus: ... " part of
   scheduling use case #1 needs work, and ask Ben for help whenever he
   becomes availble and drop it from the draft, meanwhile [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Harry to draft some elaboration on how media types
   work with GRDDL [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Harry to review digital library use case [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Ryager to read draft thoroughly [recorded in


   [PENDING] ACTION: BenA to flesh out HTML RDF/A output of GRDDL use
   cases [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: BrianS to discuss using guitar-buying for the
   primer [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: DanC to enumerate options for base issue, pick
   one, and propose it in the form of a test case [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Harry to discuss with BenA and DanC the XML Schema
   use-case in context of Creative Commons and OAI. See clarification
   from DanC. [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ian to discuss using meeting-scheduling for the
   primer [recorded in


   [DONE] ACTION: Danja to discuss wiki usecase, query usecase, and
   e-learning usecase [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Harry to propose minimum set of transformation
   formats that must be supported by grddl processors. [recorded in


   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [47]scribe.perl version 1.127
    ([48]CVS log)
    $Date: 2006/08/30 20:03:44 $


Dan Connolly, W3C
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 20:07:25 UTC