Re: DOM based API

Hi Mark,

If you are looking for a DOM based API in the sense of one based 
upon XML nodes, then the DCCI is an existing framework. We had hoped 
to define an API for location about a year ago, and Ryan Sarver 
joined as an invited expert to work on that, but he was too busy 
with Skyhook Wireless to devote enough time to progress the 
standards work in the UWA working group.

Location was always one of the use cases for DCCI right from the 
very start, several years back when the work was started in the 
Multimodal Interaction working group. We anticipated there being 
subproperties that would control the conditions under which location 
updates occurred and the data format it was presented in. Location 
is part of the current working draft for the delivery context 
ontology, and we are likely to model some of the common parameters 
for location updates in future drafts, tracking the work of the 
Geolocation WG. The general aim is to allow a straightforward 
mapping from the delivery context ontology onto a DOM based API.

Browser vendors haven't been enthusiastic about a general framework 
for accessing user preferences, device capabilities and 
environmental conditions, preferring instead to take a piece meal 
approach that caters for each device capability on an individual 
basis. That is unlikely to scale well when it comes to describing a 
much wider range of devices as is need to realise the web of things. 
Future web applications may not involve a browser at all.

Best regards,

  Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 4 July 2008 19:03:37 UTC