Re: [Filter Effects] 'filter' property, SVG and filter functions

On Apr 20, 2012, at 10:27 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:
>> It was more a question if we have to take care about this. This is the definition of the 'filter' property in SVG 1.1:
>> Value: <funciri> | none | inherit
>> in comparison to Filter Effects 1.0:
>> Value:          none | <filter-function> [ <filter-function> ]*
>> I thought about:
>> Value: none | inherit | [<filter-function> | <funciri>]+
> As you noted, <funciri> is listed in the spec as a type of
> <filter-function>, so the last two are equivalent.
Yes they are.

>> Note that 'inherit' is currently missing.
> CSS properties no longer list 'inherit' in their value descriptions;
> global values are described in Values & Units instead.
Ah interesting, I didn't know about that so far (for the records: [1]).

Some more suggested changes:

* I think there is a small typo in "5.1. How the ‘filter’ property property applies to content formatted with the CSS box model (e.g HTML)":

"The application of the ‘filter property’ property"

I assume that it should just be 'filter' property?

* Same later with "The description of the ‘filter element’ element follows:" (continues in this and the next section of the spec).

* For consistency, the value 'inherit' should be removed from other properties in the same spec, this affects ‘enable-background’, ‘flood-color’, ‘flood-opacity’ and 'lightning-color'.

* Issues should use the class "issue" instead of "specissue" (or "specissue" should be defined in the style sheet). The prefix "ISSUE: " can than get removed from the text.

* The term <css-3d-transform> should be replaced by <css-transform>:

<transform>	<css-3d-transform> | <mat>
<css-3d-transform>	<transform-function>;[<transform-function>]

* Link to the correct transform spec. At the moment it is CSS3 3D Transforms:

<css-3d-transform>	Follows the CSS 3D transform interpolation rules.


> ~TJ


Received on Saturday, 21 April 2012 06:32:56 UTC