Re: Updated filters specification

On Apr 26, 2011, at 8:55 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 7:20 PM, Erik Dahlstrom <<>> wrote:
Deprecating (or dropping) 'enable-background' would essentially mean that BackgroundImage and BackgroundAlpha would always generate a transparent black result in the context of filters (I presume this is what the browsers that don't support enable-background already do, and it follows the error handling that is defined for when there was no "enable-background:new" parent element). Typically that means that things still render without errors but probably not as intended by the author.

Why can't we define BackgroundImage and BackgroundAlpha in a way that continues to work in the absence of enable-background? I think we can, even with GPU-accelerated rendering. In the worst case you can detect use of BackgroundImage/BackgroundAlpha and automatically infer the equivalent of enable-background for the ancestor elements.

I think it would be difficult to get the exact equivalent of the current behavior because currently, enable-background can be on the element's parent, grand-parent, or any other ancestor.


Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 19:30:23 UTC