W3C Forms teleconference September 7, 2011

* Present

Leigh Klotz, Xerox
Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers
Steven Pemberton, CWI/W3C
Kurt Cagle, XMLToday
John Boyer, IBM
Uli Lissé, DreamLabs
Alain Couthuries, AgenceXML
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon [arrived late]

* Agenda


* NoSQL Conference

Kurt Cagle: Dan and I attended. I'm finding it interesting that 28msec is working on a way to usr FLWR-type expressions with JSON data structures.

*FtF minutes http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Minutes http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2011Aug/0038.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2011Aug/0030.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2011Aug/0022.html

Steven Pemberton: We edited the main spec and the modules.

* caseref and indexref

John Boyer: I finished switch/@caseref and repeat/@indexref, and it's in the wiki.
John Boyer: Steven, could you check to see your use cases for indexref are satisfied? It was quite a bit of editorial work because of the order of definitions in the document, so I had to re-order and restructure the document. I moved the definitions to the top of the section for easy reference. I did this in the base document as well so it won't show as a diff.
Steven Pemberton: Does the index function work as well?
John Boyer: Yes. The index function works and @indexref synchronizes it with the data.

* regex language

Kurt Cagle: What is the regex language for pattern? POSIX?
Leigh Klotz: http://www.regular-expressions.info/xml.html
John Boyer: ICU has more character classes and nesting. Some differences are in the PXPath 2 spec.
Leigh Klotz: Is there a difference between the regex in XPath 2 and XML Schema?
Steven Pemberton: There's a page on regular-expressions.info for both.
John Boyer: There's a couple of modes. Caret and dollar are different and there are powerful mode flags (case-insensitive, multi-line).
Steven Pemberton: Ignoring whitespace.

* label/@for

Kurt Cagle: What happened?
Leigh Klotz: We adopted label/@for and made some choices. It's in the wiki [http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Label_For_Attribute ]. We separated the two other issues from your proposal and put them on the agenda for later discussion. (label/@xml:lang, label/@model) and in the wiki [http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Metadata_Controls].

* Ubiquity XForms

Leigh Klotz: Has there been any progress on either making the download work or changing the introduction to say it is still in development?
John Boyer: Not yet.

* Test suite 7.10.2.b


Steven Pemberton: This is done.

* XForms and HTML5

http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms/2011May/0013.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms/2011May/0014.html and follow-ons

Leigh Klotz: I see that XForms interoperates well with HTML5 as it does with HTML4 via DOM and DOM Events, both in the spec level and in browser implementations. For example, the event for anchor change in URI should just work with XForms.
John Boyer: Also working with XHTML as XML and various MIME types should help.
Steven Pemberton: I don't believe that's every been a real blocking issue. It didn't affect the parse.
John Boyer: No, it's a huge problem. If you tell the browser that it's HTML, some browsers will treat it as case insensitive, mishandle close tags and instance tags, especially as instance data.
Steven Pemberton: So you think that will get better?
John Boyer: Yes, serving it up as application/xhtml+xml will fix problems for browser that support it, but some browsers simply displayed XML markup.
Leigh Klotz: So mime types and XML work better. I'm happy to answer this.
Steven Pemberton: They say there are no implementations of XForms, but there are many both in the browser and out.
John Boyer: We have XSLTForms and Ubiquity XForms. Mark Birbeck has a "Ubiquity" which contains an XForms component and we're working with to get the content merged. So we have a Dojo/YUI/JQuery like approach, i.e., non-native but in the browsers.
Leigh Klotz: I had fun booting Linux in my browser everytime someone called something in JavaScript a non-native implementation.

ACTION-1823 Leigh Klotz to respond to http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms/2011May/0013.html and follow ons.

* valid function

http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2011Sep/0000.html http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XPath_Expressions_Module#The_valid.28.29_Function

Erik Bruchez: I had a couple of issues for review. The function has some history in EXForms and Orbeon, and perhaps others that I'm not aware of. We had some F2F discussions. I've written three versions of the same function, which is a way to indicate two optional parameters. For now, I've had valid() evaluate the entire subtree, but I'm not convinced. We wanted to emulate submission's behavior. By default, we'd look at the subtree and prune non-relevant nodes like submission does. I've described this by a marking or selection algorithm, but said it would "act as if" to allow other implementations. The function can take a number of node. Besides that the function is very simple. It retrieves the valid property, and relevance comes from the recalculate event. After pruning nodes, if you end up with nothing, the function returns false instead of true. Submission wouldn't go forward.
Leigh Klotz: I've not seen that, for example with submission GET.
Erik Bruchez: That might be true for GET. But it does seem more reasonable to say the function should return false for an empty tree, but I guess that's to be discussed. One example would be a single node with no children and no attributes, what would it say? I don't know if we can justify one way or another.
Steven Pemberton: So it's valid if empty?
Erik Bruchez: Let's consider a subtree of nodes and one descendent node is non-relevant, it's easy. But what if you have all non-relevant nodes, and an empty set of nodes?
Steven Pemberton: Is that valid?
Erik Bruchez: I'm calling it invalid. If you don't pass any nodes to the function, what should happen, or an empty sequence. Is that valid? Then there is pointing to a sequence of nodes, all of which are not relevant. I'm thinking that you wouldn't on purpose point to a non-relevant subtree.
Leigh Klotz: What about two functions, valid and invalid, as we have with with events and CSS classes, to deal with the excluded middle, and to let the form author more clearly describe intent.
Steven Pemberton: Or check use cases first. I'd think it's valid unless proven otherwise.
Nick van: That's my belief too.
Erik Bruchez: It's like pruning that happens during submission; if you have an empty set of nodes, it's a corner case. I feel we could go either way.
Nick van: Do you have a use case for everything being valid? You could specify a path. If one or both is non-relevant it will not submit the non-relevant elements, but the function will return false and the "and"...
Erik Bruchez: If you have an HTTP POST the submission has no element and it stops.
Nick van: More clearly, if you have a CC, amount, paymentType=cash|credit. Then you have an XPath valid(paymentType), valid(CC), valid(amount), the CC will be valid only paymentType="credit" and so the form will submit but your valid(paymentType) will be false because it contains only a non-relevant node.
Erik Bruchez: The right default might be true then.
Steven Pemberton: That's my gut feeling as well.
Erik Bruchez: For example, EXForms relevance(), readonly() and required() functions would return false, which is a little different. If you actually pass an empty sequence of nodes, should it also return true? Is that valid as well?
Steven Pemberton: I would honestly suspect that it would, because I visualize using this function in wizard-like applications and you can only go to the next thing when the current thing is valid and filled in. If you get to a step where you don't need to fill anything in, I wouldn't want to be blocked there because it was invalid.
John Boyer: You could see people constructing valid(a) and valid(b) and valid(c) instead of valid(a|b|c).
Erik Bruchez: I think the case has been made and I'm changing it.
Steven Pemberton: So resolved.

Resolution 2011-09-7.1: valid() of empty nodeset or empty sequence is true.

Steven Pemberton: "If the function is used in model-binding expressions or compute expressions ... terminate" means "you may not."
Leigh Klotz: <bind ref="a" constraint="not(valid(.))" />
Erik Bruchez: We define recalculate and refresh and so on at specific times and the refresh is supposed to reflect the model data perfectly and be consistent (though perhaps there are some funny cases). In that time before refresh it's safe to use the function as you won't get an out-of-date property as no external condition can influence the validity of the data. On control bindings they'll be evaluated before refresh. In response to UI events, assuming you haven't mutated the data you are safe. On the other hand, you likely get out of date validity data in bind/@ref and bind/@mips. There are situations where you can use it and get correct results, but you'd have to be very careful.
Steven Pemberton: I remember long discussions with Roland Merrick and we never solved all the issues. I understand the reasoning behind not wanting to use this in certain cases. I can see someone wanting to say if valid(x) then x+1 else 0...
Erik Bruchez: At the F2F I showed an example where we used the valid function on MIPs. If you know when it is to be evaluated, then it's possible. I could go either way: we could just say be aware in MIPs. Unless as John says if the dependency algorithm is updated there's going to be problems.
John Boyer: We would have say if valid() appears in a calculate, the validity of the referenced node (not their values) that has to figure into the dependency algorithm. We'd have to define those MIPs as if they were additional values for dependency tracking. It's more spec work and more implementation work. So that's problem #1: it bleeds into the dependency system. Problem #2 is that not all aspects of validity can be assessed during recalculate when the function is called; the design work to consolidate recalculate/revalidate hasn't been done. We can address simple use cases without re-engineering model processing by making the function available in some of the places.
Nick van: I'd be happy to have the functions defined by Erik in 2.0 and solve the bigger problem in 3.0.
Leigh Klotz: How about saying the function is unavailable instead throws an exception? That lets implementors decide.
John Boyer: We could say it's unavailable and may throw an exception.
Nick van: Or just MAY throw and exception.
Leigh Klotz: We could say it's undefined and SHOULD throw an exception. Then if you implement it you don't have to throw the exception.
John Boyer: We should document the dependency order issue (avoiding stale results) and the separated revalidate/recalculate. If your validity issue comes from constraint and required, that comes from the ... We have two problems: dependency ordering, and making the results available.
Erik Bruchez: <bind ref="a" constraint="..."/> <bind ref="b" constraint="valid(../a)"/>
Erik Bruchez: In our implementation we process binds in order and don't use the recalculation sequence algorithm. If you reverse the two binds or if you have an algorithm that doens't handle this order, you don't get expected results.
John Boyer: You could have c = b + 10 and c depends on b.
Erik Bruchez: ...calculates first...
John Boyer: The calculated value is true if valid(*), then you no longer count on all calculates first because constraints have to run first.
Erik Bruchez: I agree, it's a hard problem to solve. But even without an algorithm that determines order, it's still possible to do poweful things simply.

Erik Bruchez: #1 So we SHOULD dispatch the exception but not say MUST? And #2 explain why?
Leigh Klotz: If we says SHOULD would you have your implementation not dispatch the error?
Erik Bruchez: Probably.
Leigh Klotz: So Nick wants it in XForms 3, you have a version of it, and we're putting spec-readers on warning that if they want to have interoperability that they can't implement or use it in model expressions.
John Boyer: and you could have the constraint on a be "../c < 10" and you could have <bind nodeset="c" calculate="../d+../e" And you can also have calculate="... valid(...)..." so that you can't guarantee tha tall calculates run before all other MIPs are reevluated
Steven Pemberton: A bit of déjà vu for our discussions with Roland, but I'm glad to see progress.
John Boyer: Change "control" to "form control".
Erik Bruchez: OK.

* IRC Minutes


* Meeting Ends