Required reading:
1) Diff marks in editor's draft of XForms 1.1 (
2) Future features list: 

Recommended reading:
3) Read Access from WAF (http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/)

Anything for Voice or MMI?

Monday, November 5, 2007

0900-1030: Begin XForms 1.2 Discussions
Guiding principles
Feature list (from wiki, joint task force, elsewhere)

1045-1200: XForms 1.2 continued
If XForms 1.2, then discuss
Guiding principles
Feature list (from wiki, joint task force, elsewhere)

1200-1300: Lunch

1300-1500: XForms 1.1 CR Review
Discuss schema issue 87

Discuss any other issues

General Requirements for Advancement: 
1. Record group decision to request advancement
2. Public documentation of all changes, substantive and minor (diff marked 
version; need report of substantive changes, if any)
    * substantive == change that we reasonably expect invalidates an 
individual's review or implementation experience
3. Report any changed requirements (none)
4. Report any changes in dependencies with other groups (none for 1.1)
5. Show evidence of wide review (144 LC comments resulting in > 1000 
6. Formally address all issues (need report of LC comments)
7. Report any formal objections (none)

CR-specific Requirements: 
1. Should provide report of present and expected implementations
   * For PR, must have two interop implementations of each feature 
2. Any features at risk?  Examine intro-diffs
3. Expect to meet any requirements other than standard for PR 
4. Must indicate minimum duration
5. Should indicate expected duration

1515-1545: Read Access from WAF

1545-1600: Relocate to meet with VBWG

1600-1700: Meeting with VBWG
1. Refresher on the basic goals of collaborating between our groups, e.g. 
shared approaches to common problems such as:
        a. data model
        b. submission
        c. controllers (e.g. SCXML)
        d. component models (subforms in XForms, reusable components in 
        e. eventing (to be covered in the joint MMI discussion Tues)
2. Quick demo of an example of what could come out of our collaboration:
        a. use of SCXML in XForms as controller component -- IBM prototype 
of SCXML as sf:switch controller and cross-component event controller
3. Data model
        a. "profiles" of function in an XML data model: instance, schema, 
validation, actions, constraints
        b. opportunities for sharing some/all of these profiles between 
4. Submission
        a. overview of lifecycle of submission: validation, serialization, 
communication, response handling, events/error handling
        b. opportunities for sharing some/all of this lifecycle between 
XForms and VoiceXML
5. Controllers, e.g. SCXML
        a. review of the profiles of SCXML
        b. brainstorm potential for use of SCXML together with XForms
        c. brainstorm potential for XForms data model in SCXML?
        d. XForms actions as extension elements in SCXML?
6. Component models
        a. subforms/custom controls in XForms
        b. reusable components in VoiceXML 3.0...is this a current 
        c. any commonalities for collaboration here?
7. Mechanisms for moving forward
        a. Backplane XG?
        b. Informal cross-WG collaboration?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

0900-0930: Meeting with I18N on ITS
Presentation and Q&A with Felix Sasaki

0930-1030: XForms 2.0
Guiding principles
Feature list (from wiki, elsewhere)

1045-1200: XForms 2.0
Guiding principles
Feature list (from wiki, elsewhere)

1200-1300: Lunch

1300-1400: Backplane XG

1400-1500: XForms 1.2
Additions/Deletions/Changes based on XForms 2.0 discussion

1515-1600: Admin, etc.
Future Meetings
SMIL feedback on feedback

1600-1700: Meeting with MMI and VBWG

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2007 05:52:09 UTC