first steps: organizational suggestion/proposal


in the interests of gaining at least a modicum of momentum heading
into the technical plenary meetings, and in the interest of having 
something to report on the task force's progress to our respective 
working groups, i have a few suggestions for the forms task force:

1) gain "official" access to a wiki in W3C space

i created an account on the Forms working group's wiki, but i can't 
even edit my own user profile, let alone put up the reading list i 
i've been using in preparation for JFTF (Joint Forms Task Force) 
work, because i "don't have permission" to edit anything in Forms 
wiki space; i don't think it practical for us to work in the HTML 
WG's wiki space, as that space is already causing drag on the 
rest of the contents of the ESW wiki, and plans are (or, at least 
were) in the works for migrating the HTML WG wiki from ESW to its
own, dedicated, wiki; yes, that might ultimately be the most 
appropriate place to discuss the integration of the next generation 
of forms into the HTML5 draft, but for now, we should start work 
somewhere, and a wiki is a good place to start, considering the 
volume of email that each of us has to deal with on a daily basis...

2) convene prior to the technical plenary in at least one 

for this, we need someone (DanC? ChrisL? StevenP? KarlD?) to schedule 
time on the w3c zakim bridge, once a mutually agreed upon meeting 
time is set (and to set a meeting time, we should set ourselves a 
deadline for agreeing on a date to meet telephonicly); the second 
deadline we should set is a hard and fast date upon which we deliver
our charter and scoping document to the 2 working groups, so that, 
with process details out of the way, we can set down to our assigned 
task -- improving the state of forms in the next iteration of HTML...

3) discuss opportunities to meet and work during technical plenary

i don't know if everyone in the task force is able to attend the 
technical plenary, but it provides an ideal opportunity for the 
task force to meet face to face...  i personally plan on being in 
cambridge/boston for the entire week, as all of the WAI meetings i 
need to attend are being held before plenary day, and the HTML WG 
(and other w3c WGs of which i'm a member) are scheduled for the 
second half of the technical plenary; since our time may already be 
bi- or trifurcated during the second half of plenary week with 
conflicting face2face meetings, we must find some time to hold a 
JFTF face2face meeting, in order to further accelerate the JFTF's 

4) begin actually using the list that was expressly created for our 
   use to coordinate all of the above...

does this strike everyone (individually and collectively) as the way
forward?  responses, suggestions, counter-proposals and/or criticism 
about the plan of action vaguely outlined in this post is strongly 

lex parsimoniae:
  * entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
the law of succinctness:
  * entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.
Gregory J. Rosmaita,
         Camera Obscura:

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 23:10:10 UTC