Re: the possible impact of future changes in webfinger (was Re: Anonymity and multiple identities)

Yes! Good questions! Could you g(uy/irl)s please bring some clarity around these points?

My main beef with this wonderful email process is that capturing the conclusions is well difficult.

But if you g(uy/irl)s were doing this on a wiki and talking (by email) about the wiki as you went then we'd have something to show for all this great surge of activity.

I wanna make all this fedsocweb happen. I'm running projects and raising money to build cool stuff. But I'm not uber techie. I need you guys to recommend the way forward to fulfil the glorious fedsocweb vision.

Ah! Just looked on wiki and there *is* activity. I'll go review over next few days/weeks:

Many thanks and carry on...

Cheers Daniel

On 7 Jul 2012, at 11:35, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Melvin Carvalho
> <> wrote:
>> After 3 years, I dont feel it's delivered on its promises,
> which promises were not delivered, and who can do (or who should have
> done) what to fix that?
> how does this feeling affect how you now think identity should be
> federated? should we use centralized search instead?
> Note that webfinger is important at the moment you action a friend
> request. once two people are friends, you no longer need webfinger,
> because you have other ways to communicate. But without webfinger, the
> only way to send a friend request is by using a centralized database.
>> and the world has moved on.
> i was not aware of this - who is 'the world' here? to what did these
> people move on? to having nothing?
>> I look forward to you, and other webfinger evangelists, proving me wrong.  :)
> if you decide to stand on the sideline saying "what you're doing is
> never going to work" without helping to build something, then that
> would be a great loss for this CG. Please help with doing the actual
> wrong-proving! :)
> Concretely, what mechanism do you suggest for friend requests?
> Cheers,
> Michiel

Received on Saturday, 7 July 2012 10:57:57 UTC