Re: Archive Module -revival

> As far as I can see the File Module only uses such structure for
> serialisation parameters (where of course they should be the same, and the
> putative arch:xml() function would use them without change). Is there
> somewhere else I've overlooked? My gripe is about the use of
> option-name/@value structures, which can look tedious and apparently have no
> better representative power than option-name="value", especially as
> properties could be 'duplicated'.

I would suggest to additionally allow a map as argument. In our own
use cases, we always choose the map representation, because it's more
compact than any XML structure (but I guess I have motivated this
before). I would love to see the alternative map representation
supported in a future version of XQuery Functions & Operators, too.

Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2014 16:46:28 UTC