Re: Call for contributions: new and improved "Web site quality" articles

Le jeudi, 2 oct 2003, à 09:40 America/Montreal, Jim Ley a écrit :
>When something is wrong, encourage people to fix the problems, explain
>solutions, etc. Do not shoot in their head.

Okay, Don't serve up XHTML 1.0 has text/html, application XHTML 1.0 SHOULD
be served as application/xhtml+xml.    There's a simple solution, author
your documents as HTML 4.01, it's more supported (Appendix C only gives a
profile compatible with "most" html user agents) and it has established QA
tools (such as the W3's validator) unlike Appendix C which has none.

The thing is, I know Brian knows that, the rest of his briefings are
excellent, there's nothing to educate him on in the area, it just seemed
necessary to point out the problem.  It's unfortunate that it's an example
of Flavell's law, and I could perhaps have pointed it out more politely, but
it's a pretty elementary mistake highlighting the lack of QA tools.

If we're going to public evangelise standards, we need to be whiter than
white, we can't be shot down on the markup of our resources, non-Appendix C
XHTML 1.0 makes that all too easy.


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 11:49:44 UTC