PCMag ranks the browsers and says IE6 is the best...

The October 15, 2002 issue of PC Magazine has an article on page 116 (The Bionic
Browser; referred to as "Better Browsers" on the spine) that gives IE6 the
Editors' Choice pick, and explains this by its "ability to render every page
smoothly, its respectable feature set".


IMHO, the editors deserve some counterpoint that tells the rest of the story, so
get your pencils and keyboards ready!

For instance, they extoll that "Microsoft is now committed to the standards set
by the World Wide Web Consortium", while at the same time deriding
Mozilla1/Netscape 7 for not supporting "nonstandard JavaScript Dynamic HTML
features that work well in older IE and Netscape versions."

This also sparked an idea--it would be quite helpful if someone could compile a
list of sites or test suites that are designed to follow the specs without
resorting to fallback hacks and non-standard code. Such a list is exactly the
thing we need in order to counter people that think IE6 or other browsers
"render every page smoothly".

Heck; I'll volunteer to maintain that list, if others can help me flesh it out.

The first obvious choice is Eric Meyer's css/edge--but what else is out there?

Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 16:30:03 UTC