[public-esw-thes] <none>



I'm not sure whether this is the correct list to mail to, but I'm sure
someone will redirect me if necessary.


I am involved with developing vocabularies for astronomy as part of the
activities of the international virtual observatory alliance (IVOA
http://www.ivoa.net/). In one of the vocabularies which we are
transforming into skos, we have the following:

Planets and satellites: individual (alphabetical order)

Planets and satellites has been modelled as a collection. What I am
unclear about is how to handle the multitude of individuals? Should each
planet and satellite be modelled as a concept? However, it would be
(almost) impossible to generate such a list of concepts. So, should the
individuals be in the vocabulary? What is considered good practice in
this sort of situation?







Alasdair J G Gray <http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~agray/> 

Research Associate: Explicator Project

Computer Science, University of Glasgow

0141 330 6292


Received on Thursday, 11 October 2007 14:24:47 UTC