RE: notes at contepts vs notes at terms

Hi Mark,

>  From one point of view ("maintenance", "future extensions" or 
> whatever you might call it) the class approach has the advantage that 
> you can always attach properties to terms, e.g. properties that might 
> turn out to be really useful somewhere in the future (i.e. stuff we 
> cannot anticipate now).
> Another reason is that Terms get a URI so that they can be referred 
> to. In the WordNet TF, this is a motivation to assign URIs to 
> WordSenses, instead of using blank nodes. You can then use WordSenses 
> e.g. to annotate texts. Similar uses might be envisioned for 
> SKOS terms.

The thing is, I don't think that a class of 'non-preferred terms' in the thesaurus sense would correspond to the class of wordnet WordSenses.  The wordnet metamodel (is [1] the latest version?) has three main classes: 'Word' 'WordSense' and 'Synset'.  I think the class wn:Word (which is a super-class of wn:Collocation) is closest to the notion of a 'non-preferred term', but even that I don't think matches, because a non-preferred term is always embedded in a thesaurus, and hence represents a relationship between several entities, whereas a Word is kind of an entity in its own right ... 

See how fuzzy things get when we try to work out what a 'term' is?

There are other alternatives to defining a class of non-preferred terms, such as e.g.

eg:foo a skos:Concept;
  skos:prefLabel 'Foo';
  skos:altLabel 'Bar';
  skos:note [
    rdf:value 'Blah blah.';
    skos:onLabel 'Foo';

Cheers for now,



Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 13:54:04 UTC