RE: comment: WD 10 May 2005

Great feedback, and thank you. Your technical comments show that it's feasible
to associate an rdfs:Class through skos:subject with a resource. I am wondering,
if an instance of rdfs:Class has a <skos:prefLabel>, then is the instance
implicitly typed as a skos:Concept? I am thinking of the following triplets from
an ontology:

a:Animal 	rdf:type 		rdfs:Class
a:Animal	rdfs:label		"animal"
a:Animal	skos:prefLabel		"animals"
a:Mammal 	rdf:type 		rdfs:Class
a:Mammal	rdfs:label		"mammal"
a:Mammal	skos:prefLabel		"mammals"
a:Mammal	rdfs:subClassOf	a:Animal
a:Animal	skos:narrower		a:Mammal
a:Mammal	skos:broader		a:Animal

Now, let me look for a moment at referencing rdfs:Class instances during
construction of a ConceptSchema, the other side of the coin. Are the following
triples recommended?

a:MyScheme	rdf:type		skos:ConceptScheme
a:Animal	skos:inScheme		a:MyScheme
a:Mammal	skos:inScheme 	a:MyScheme

In any event, it seems to be a good idea to discuss in SKOS Core Guide how to
reference instances of rdfs:Class as a resource subject and as a node in a
concept schema.

Thanks again,
John McClure

Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 22:25:27 UTC