Re: comment: WD 10 May 2005

Hi John,

Also thank you for your feedback, it is most instructive to see how 
someone with another perspective looks at SKOS.

> to associate an rdfs:Class through skos:subject with a resource. I am wondering,
> if an instance of rdfs:Class has a <skos:prefLabel>, then is the instance
> implicitly typed as a skos:Concept? I am thinking of the following triplets from

Nope, because <skos:prefLabel> has <rdfs:Resource> as domain 
(inherited from <rdfs:label>). If the domain of prefLabel was 
<skos:Concept> your statement is correct.

> Now, let me look for a moment at referencing rdfs:Class instances during
> construction of a ConceptSchema, the other side of the coin. Are the following
> triples recommended?
> a:MyScheme	rdf:type		skos:ConceptScheme
> a:Animal	skos:inScheme		a:MyScheme
> a:Mammal	skos:inScheme 	a:MyScheme

Only if they are skos:Concepts.

> In any event, it seems to be a good idea to discuss in SKOS Core Guide how to
> reference instances of rdfs:Class as a resource subject and as a node in a
> concept schema.

I agree it would help for some people, but for others may be confusing 
and distracting from the main story. Am concerned that the Guide gets 
"overloaded" with issues and becomes difficult to read.


  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

Received on Monday, 25 July 2005 09:54:57 UTC