Re: [a11y] Seeking technical experts to test Ace - the EPUB 3 Accessibility Checker

Dear Makoto,

> On 20 Oct 2017, at 01:20, MURATA Makoto < <>> wrote:
> A Japanese group for EPUB accessibility is very much
> interested in Ace.  This group is a part of Keio
> Advanced Publishing Lab.  I am the leader of the
> group. 

Great, very much looking forward to your feedback!

> Now, Ace reports an error when accessMode,
> accessModeSufficient, or accessibilityFeature is
> absent.  We are wondering if Ace will suggest
> particular values of these metadata. Is such 
> an extension already planned?

Yes, this is definitely on our radar, but we're not yet sure we can make it in v1.0.0.
This is tracked as issue #35: <>
> We are also wondering if the use of Javascript might 
> cause performance problems if Ace starts to examine 
> all characters (e.g., whether every CJK character is 
> in JIS X 0213) for example.

I'd be happy to learn more about any performance issue that you may encounter. Feel free to report issues directly to our tracker: <>


Received on Thursday, 19 October 2017 23:44:49 UTC