Re: Image bleeds and page backgroud

Hi Elie

That's a great idea.

Andrew Gribben
Technical Product Owner

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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On 6 June 2017 at 14:30:56, Elie Mietkiewicz (<>) wrote:

This message originated from outside your organization
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for sharing these samples. Full bleed images indeed allow nice layout :)

I have a more generic suggestion: why don't we create an "advanced author" attribute which simply remove the automatic margin and let the author decide to apply margin (or not!) for text, images but also videos or custom JS interactivities. Applying this automatic margin limit the reflowable epub to very basic layout whereas HTML5 & CSS3 allow incredible things!



Elie Mietkiewicz
Product Manager, in charge of epub standard

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2017-06-01 19:15 GMT+02:00 Gribben, Andrew <<>>:
Rather than wait until the next call, I figured I'd share this out now in the hope that it gives some talking points if nothing else.

I've uploaded a few single page samples of (non-HMH) content that required support for full bleed images and backgrounds and where we ended up using our own fork of Readium to support it. I find lot of digital textbook designers want to do the same and without a way to do so their designs tend to be a bit more bland than they otherwise could be. (That's not always a bad thing).<>

Andrew Gribben

On 30 May 2017 at 16:09:58, Dave Cramer (<>) wrote:

This message originated from outside your organization
Hi Everyone,

We will have the second virtual meeting of the EPUB 3 Community Group on Thursday, June 1 at 1600 UTC, which is:

9AM in San Francisco
12 Noon in New York and Toronto
4PM in London
6PM in Paris and Amsterdam
9:30PM in Chennai
1AM Thursday in Tokyo (sorry!)

The meeting will be one hour.


[1] Update on recent and future events (Dave)

[2] Education task force. Call for volunteers to organize and lead this work. What are the next steps?

[3] A11y task force. Call for volunteers to organize and lead this work. What are the next steps?

[4] Rendering and image bleeds. See<> and<>. How might such a feature be designed? How can we work with reading system developers on this?


Meeting Number: 319 436 071
Meeting Password: [ask on IRC, or use the name of the irc channel without the hash character]

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to<>
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: [which is the same as the IRC channel name, without the #]
4. Click "Join".

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To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000<tel:(617)%20324-0000>

Access code:319 436 071
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For assistance
1. Go to<>
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

You can contact me at:<>

Add this meeting to your calendar (Cannot add from mobile devices):<>


W3C groups use IRC (Internet Relay Chat) during meetings to take
minutes, manage the queue of people wishing to ask questions or make
comments, providing useful links, etc.

We will use the IRC channel #epub3cg:

channel: #epub3cg
port: 6665 or 6667

General information on IRC at W3C can be found at<>


We have a general repository for the community group at:<>

Ivan Herman has written up a helpful guide for newcomers to GitHub at<>

If you don't already have a GitHub account, you might want to set one
up before the call.

Thanks very much, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Dave Cramer
Rachel Comerford

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2017 14:06:45 UTC