Re: RESPONSE REQUESTED by 26 July: EO Materials co-editors: greetings, thanks and next steps

Wearing my co-editor hat, my response to the questions:

1. Please confirm that you can undertake this role and commit the time to
> completing it in the timeframe indicated (note that not all resources must
> be completed pre-launch).
I understand that I am co-editor of the suite of documents that make up the
"Web Accessibility Business Case" and am on the review team for several

2. Have you communicated with your co-editor? with your review team?
I have sent a draft project plan to my co-editor but not yet communicated
with the review team until we have agreed on that plan (draft on the wiki)

> 3. When can we expect to see your plan/timeline for edits, review cycles,
> and submission for EOWG approval of the resource(s) assigned to you?
By July 27

> 4. What additional support would you like to have?
The project plan
<> asks
for some metrics on the existing resource as well as support for a GitHub
repository. .

> 5. Any other questions or comments?
No, thanks

Received on Monday, 24 July 2017 12:52:05 UTC