Open Government Data - call for speakers

Dear All,

Before concluding the series of meetings on Open Government Data
(OGD), we scheduled four more meetings on this topic, two each for
the Atlantic and Eurasian time zones:

18 February 2013, 0900-1030 London time
8 March 2013, 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
18 March 2013, 0900-1030 London time - OGD Summary
5 April 2013, 0800-0930 Los Angeles time - OGD Summary

Please contact us if you would like to: 1) speak or scribe at one of
these meetings, 2) recommend a speaker or 3) contribute to summarizing
the series. Please also cast your vote on the next topics to be
discussed by the group. The online poll is available at:

We look forward to hearing from you...

Many regards,

Jeanne and Tomasz
W3C EGOV Interest Group Chairs

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 17:18:26 UTC